My expectations were already high after reading the stories and interviews of Pam Ward and Greta Christina, my fellow contributors to X. And of course, I knew from experience, beginning way back when I heard Susie read Anne Tourney's “Full Metal Corset” from Best American Erotica 1994 at the now defunct Cody’s Bookstore on Telegraph, that Susie’s events were always provocative and enlightening (This story also appears in X). I also knew I’d have six friendly and familiar faces in the audience to cheer me on, including Jane Black—she made my week with her generous comment posted below.
I’d practiced my excerpt several times—the narrator was male and I felt I needed a little extra work to approach a tenor range. And fortunately I managed to fit into my “lucky dress” as EllaRegina dubbed it, although it was still a wee bit tight from December’s cookie madness.

I haven’t had any Barack Obama dreams yet, although I did have a Clinton dream in early 1993, so maybe it’s only a matter of time?
My fellow writers had some interesting things to say as well. I was impressed with Pam’s confidence as an erotica writer—she totally refuses to buy into the mainstream’s attempts to belittle what we do, and I’m going to remember her spirit the next time I deal with another snooty bookbuyer (which should be next week, unless I decide to give this up for good, which might be a different way of showing my pornographer's pride….)! Greta took a few questions about abuse and recovery, a complex and still taboo subject. I know we all left the event with some things to think about. And a very nice lady came around with homemade truffles for the panel, which I believe should become a tradition at such events.
All in all, it was a great reading. But the best was yet to come.
For those of us who could stay—me and Greta—Susie had a wonderful treat in store: a quick get-away to Polynesia, or rather Forbidden Island, a gourmet Tiki bar in Alameda. Wisely traveling by cab, we talked shop in the backseat, while the courteous driver switched on some mellow jazz. Greta made my evening by telling me how much she’d enjoyed “Yes,” and the positive portrayal of a woman who said “yes” to sex. That was pretty much the whole point of the story and it was gratifying to have someone capture it so perfectly. We also talked about the whole culture of “sex sells” where the kind of sex that sells is superficial, dishonest and unsatisfying.
Susie also mentioned that she often gets questions asking her to summarize changes in our sexual culture over the decades as she had that night, and while she has her own answers, she really wants to ask the questioner to weigh in as well because we all have our own view and our own truth. In my own less experienced way, I totally related to this—we are all encouraged to look outward to get validation about sex. To our partners, to the stupid magazine articles that supposedly give answers but really just try to sell us things, to experts. But to really be empowered, we have to make our own observations, draw our own conclusions, look within to figure out what sex means to us and how we’ve changed. I think erotica can be more than a way to get off—it can help you learn about your sexual desires. I didn’t say this then, I just got to thinking about it later, but I’m sure the cab driver’s mind was inspired to interesting conjectures as well after he dropped us off at our watering hole.
What can I say about Forbidden Island? First of all, I’m a Tiki girl from way back. My roommates and I had a Tiki god statue in our room junior year of college and we took a series of photos—me teaching “Zamboozo” from the Norton Anthology of English Literature, my chemical engineer roommate tutoring him in organic chemistry, and my peer sex counselor friend teaching him about condoms and foam. I also have several books on my shelf like Tiki Road Trip, plus The Enchanted Tiki Room is a must-visit attraction every time I go to Disneyland. Secondly, it struck me that in a figurative sense, Susie Bright has been whisking me away to Forbidden Islands since the mid-nineties with Best American Erotica. Suffice to say, I almost had to pinch myself to make sure this was real!
Susie had first heard about Forbidden Island from a book, Sippin' Safari: In Search of the Great "Lost" Tropical Drink Recipes... and the People Behind Them by Jeff “Beachbum” Berry (sorry, I just bought the last immediately available copy on Amazon). The décor was appropriately Tiki, although not overwhelmingly tacky—booths with thatched roofs, romantic lighting, carved wooden statues. But the real draw of the place was the cocktails, concocted with fresh juices and house-made cordials. The drink menu was as overwhelming as a tropical garden—too many delicious choices—but Susie pointed us to the Nui Nui made with the bar’s own allspice liqueur and cinnamon syrup, fresh citrus juice and of course rum. It was absolutely exquisite, the perfect balance of spice, sweet and tart—like Thanksgiving in Tahiti. Of course, Tiki drinks need the proper snacks as accompaniment, and we feasted on coconut shrimp (the perfect blend of sweet coconut, tender shrimp and crunchy coating), sweet potato fries (perfect for the Thanksgiving flavor theme and not greasy), and crab Rangoon (fried wonton with a fluffy crab-cream cheese filling). The food came in simple paper trays, the drinks in tall chilled glasses with fresh mint sprigs, which shows where the owner’s passions lie. As a chaser, Susie ordered a house specialty, the Sidewinder Fang with passionfruit juice and rum. A “hearty goblet” was promised and indeed the glass took up most of the table—rather like a slightly smaller version of a honeymooner’s champagne bathtub in the Poconos.
But what better way to lubricate our literary discussions? Susie told us about Chronicle Books' very positive attitude toward promoting X in creative ways and her upcoming book trailer, which sounds like lots of fun (I’ll let you know as soon as it is released). Although both Susie and Greta are long time veterans of publishing, they were very supportive about my newbie trials in the business. Both had gotten their start at On Our Backs and I loved hearing about the early days of the Erotica Revolution. Hanging out with them just proved what I’ve been discovering in this year of making connections: erotica writers are very witty, warm and generous people. I’m not sure which comes first—you have to be open-minded and creative to take the dare of writing erotica or exploring that edgy territory opens you up? Maybe both, suffice to say, there’s nobody I’d rather quaff tropical drinks with!
I could have lingered on and drunk myself into a South Sea Islands stupor but we all had places to be by midnight, so we cabbed back to Diesel Books and said our goodbyes. Parting is always bittersweet, like a bracing taste of grog, but I knew I’d be joining Susie, Greta, Susie Hara and Rachel Kramer Bussel next week at Books, Inc. in the Castro.
It’s bound to be another Xciting evening!
Jane Black posted this comment in an earlier post, but I just had to share because it made me so happy. One of the many advantages of hanging out with writers is that they are so eloquent. Thank you, Jane!
"I just had to post and say -- what a powerful, funny, sexy reading you gave tonight! You are a gifted performer. I knew you wrote well but I had no idea you had such a sexy porn-reading voice, and such deliciously naughty (though never overdone) facial expressions! Did they teach you that at Stanford? :-) My friend who came with me to the reading said he thought you were amazing. Very cool."
Wow, I felt like I was there, even in the Gilligan's Island Tiki emporium.
And yeah, you do read very well!
I SWEAR there is an intelligent being controlling these spamwords. It's too perfect :-).
I'm in awe of your evening, your observations, the company you keep, and of course this piece of writing. Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful panel of readers, Donna. It's great to hear that there was a nice turn out too.
Of course you sounded wonderful. You have a voice as smooth and easy as a double shot of courvoisier. I don't think it's been mentioned how adorable you looked up there though; smiling from ear to ear.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Alana and Neve! I was awed myself. And that photo, well it was what my photographer called a "wedding shot," posed after the fact and carefully chosen from a set of not so cute ones, lol. But thank you anyway!
Congratulations on what sounds like a magnificent evening! And, yes, what a great picture of you in your "lucky dress."
I SWEAR there is an intelligent being controlling these spamwords.
I think it's just natural selection: The sexy and interesting spamwords get lots of attention from us ... which makes them puff up with pride and take on a veneer of glamour ... which, in turn, makes them attractive to each other as prospective mates ... and, voilà, a new generation of even sexier spamwords arises.
[Note: The uninteresting spamword now appearing on my comment screen will be typed in and otherwise IGNORED.]
I love the idea of Darwinian spam words.
But yes, it could be a matter of our superior sensitivity to the textures, nuances and humor in words.
Sounds like a great time, Donna, and your breasts DO look wonderful in that dress, so it's a keeper!
Jeez, I just realized in all the excitement of the progressive blog dinner that I forgot to comment on this!
I am SO glad you had a lovely experience and an understandably receptive audience. It's great to hear about such experiences from you!!
(Of course, being late appears to have allowed me the opportunity to read Jeremy's hilarious spamword theory -- I am still laughing.)
Anyway, congratulations! It's great to see Jane's well-deserved (I wasn't there, but I feel quite confident that it was) comment and hear about your lovely time. :)
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