As you may have noticed from my last post, EllaRegina won the official Amorous Woman Real Trooper Award for attending the highest percentage of my AW readings.
Her prize was an ensemble of the same style of black bra and panties worn by the model on the cover of my novel. And she wasted no time in trying them on for size. I think she looks fabulous, don't you?
Perfect fit!
It's the Washington Square Arse!
Positively fetching.
It is a great fit and very fetching. Maybe I should get it made up in everyone's size? I mean, Jeremy, at least deserves a set for that wonderful pun :-). We could have an Amorous party with blowfish sashimi and grilled rice balls...jeez, am I a party planner manque?
ROFLMAO! Just read Dr. DGS's comment on previous post.
He does realize that if he won it Donna would have to post a picture here?
I casually stopped by this last night and started laughing so hard. I didn't have time to leave a comment, so I'm baaaack.
I'm laughing all over again. I love it! EllaR, you saucy, vixen. Ooooh, la, la!
Donna, you're too fun for words.
p.s. spam word: myching. Myching bra and panties. Okay, so yeah, I know, I'm not Jeremy. :-)
Jeremy Edwards said...
It's the Washington Square Arse!
Give that man a special prize!!
This is continuing to make me laugh every time I come by and see it. :) Thanks!
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