This month's installment of "Cooking Up a Storey" is called "Naked Lunches:
Picnics, Porn Stashes, and the Roots of an Obsession." It may seem a bit familiar to regular readers of this blog in its discussion of naughty trysts en plein air and the surprising uses of one's personal erotic history. But this time I include a recipe for "Naughty Picnic Couscous Salad," which is appropriately very portable to out-of-the-way areas and protein-rich to keep up your stamina!
If you've been following my "Shameless Self-Promotion" column (and if not, why haven't you? Are you embarrassed?), you'll be interested in this month's "Viva the Internet: Book Reviews and Blogs." The Internet is by far the most effective tool for independent promoters and I not only give you a few tips from my own experience, I invite the amazingly resourceful and creative Jeremy Edwards to share his intimate knowledge of the path of cyber-shamelessness in a must-read interview at the ERWA blog.
That's the usual couple, but I'm in the mood to invite a third hot body into bed, and what better candidate than a 21st Century Courtesan, the steamy new novel by Eden Bradley? My review of the book touches upon the nature of genre fiction and the ways writers bend its rules, often beautifully, as does Bradley in this psychologically complex erotic romance.
But wait--do I see another sexy babe slinking over with a gleam in her eye and a ticket to Vegas in her hand? Yes, it's my favorite American Cool lady, Susan DiPlacido, who is the featured author at Ashley Lister's "Between the Lines." You can find out more about Susan's fascination with Vegas, her tricks of the trade (regarding writing, not gambling, although we'd love to hear those secrets, too), and how to test run your next novel in a short story. You'll think you've hit the jackpot with this down-to-earth discussion of the author's craft.
So come on, jump into bed with us. There's always room for more!
Can't wait to read it all Donna! But it's 3 AM so I think I'll wait til I'm a little more coherent.
Excellent articles, Donna. Great insight from you on your journey and from Jeremy.
As I'm moving toward trying to get my novel published, this information is invaluable.
Hi Donna,
This was wonderful and very informative, as usual. :-)
The process of getting published is an interesting one, that's for sure.
Thanks, everyone! Yep, Isabel, this is best read after some coffee, especially the harsh realities of book promotion column. Of course, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, lol, I'm evidence of that.
Thanks for shining the spotlight of shamelessness in this direction, Donna! And thank you (and Craig!) for the kind words.
I so look forward to your columns every month. I know I'll always learn, laugh, and lap up your thoughtful and elegant prose.
By the way, I think the very word couscous sounds sexy—evoking a little tickling of delicate places.
Uncover and cool, then fluff.
Are those food-preparation steps, or directions for erotic picnickers?
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