I'm very excited to announce that the most sensually luxurious erotica anthology you can get your hot little hands on,
X: The Erotic Treasury, is now available as an
audiobook. For the aurally inclined--and I include myself in that persuasion--this means you can just lie back and enjoy steamy stories by erotica writers such as
Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Susan DiPlacido,
Shanna Germain,
P.S. Haven,
Bill Noble and yours truly, slithering softly into your ear. Best of all you'll have both hands free to do, you know, whatever! Can you think of a better way to spend a sultry summer afternoon?
You can hear some excerpts at
Susie's Blog. An advance reviewer told me my story "Yes," was read by a man with a nice, deep voice. Can't wait to hear him murmur those naughty commands for myself....
Awesome! Thanks again for the heads-up on this, Donna.
Should be fun to hear the interpretations. I do think they should have a special soundtrack appendix for "Rock of Ages." With all that great music, this baby would be a blockbuster :-).
That's fabulous!!
How fun that seems it would be for you especially, since you wrote from a male pov and now get to hear it read professionally by a male voice! :)
You know, I'm not much for audiobooks (not sure why) ... BUT, I do think it would be great fun to listen to this.
Thank you, "E" people! X is a great anthology and I think the performances will be interesting--although it was especially cool hearing some of the authors read their own work, too. And yes, Emerald, I'm looking forward to hearing my story in a man's voice, rather than the one inside my head. Yeah, sounds crazy, but I prefer to think of him as my animus, lol.
That was a lot of E's...
A soundtrack would be killer! Wonder if Susie would spring for the rights... hmmm...
I'd think Susie would be up for anything! Of course an itunes playlist might not be a bad option either. For those of you who haven't read/heard "Rock of Ages" yet--a copy of X belongs in every erotica writer's library--the coming-of-age sex is accompanied by a kick-ass soundtrack including all the albums my older sister had in her collection: In The Court of the Crimson King, Space Oddity, Beggars Banquet.... great stuff.
Ah, thanks, Donna!
Congrats to all on this great aurotic release!
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