This month on Cooking Up a Stor(e)y, I muse about Lessons from Amazon: Eternal Mysteries, Cool Comforts, and the Chemistry of Lust. I also share my award-winning--yes, I got an award from Sunset Magazine--mousse-style rice pudding recipe. If you like rice pudding, this will definitely float your pleasure boat.
In my Shameless Self-Promotion column, I start narrowing down the discussion to the specifics of hawking your book, so each column from now on will offer more practical, step-by-step topics. This month I talk about Publicists, Press Kits and Other P-Words. Well, one other P-word. Bet you can't guess what it is!
Now I'm off to dance around the May Pole and eat more strawberries. Enjoy!
I have already benefited from your latest SSP column! You rock.
Sunset magazine, eh? That's a pretty fine accomplishment. Sunset does some great recipes!
Verification word = brivas. Sort of a classy, Latin version of bravo
Brivas, Donna, Brivas!
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