My travelblog continues with a brief stop at the T-shirt shop in the tourist mall in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. There we stocked up on some of the jolliest souvenirs you can buy--all but guaranteed to make you smile.
As I gear up for my blue-moon birthday on Thursday, I'd like to offer you a selection of mottos to live by from Pennsylvania Dutch country, a place inhabited by folks who are, as my son put it, "either totally sick or totally clueless." What do you think? And which T-shirt would you pick to wear to bed? Come on, don't be shy!
Do you like collegiate?

Or a little geography lesson?

How about a nod to Vegas, Amish-style?

Or a little inter-state rivalry?

Or perhaps you are the type who sees the glass half-full? Intercourse was indeed more or less what we thought it would be. Food report coming soon!

I'll take one of each, please! :-0
Blue Moon Birthday? Well, I'll be dipped. Sounds like a great reason to pop open a bottle of bubbly.
Help yourself, Neve! And I have a bottle of Taittinger ready to go for Thursday evening...
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