Today I thought we'd take a quick breather before the fun begins again--we've got some wonderful stories awaiting us in the week ahead.
Herr Doktor has been enjoying the entertainment immensely and asked me to thank you all for sharing ;-). Since he's been glued to his computer anyway, I also put him to work updating my website, bribing him with cookies and other sensual treats. We've put up a whole new page entitled "Aural Pleasures" with my podcasts and interviews, and my Amorous Woman page was updated to be more navigable. Thanks to Susan DiPlacido for her inspiration with the formatting.
As I'm looking over the pages, I think I use the word "steamy" too much. That's because I'm always thinking about hot spring inns, I suppose....
Hey, great idea to add the "Aural Pleasures" page. Plus it has such a beautiful picture at the top! ;) It all looks great -- thanks!
"...bribing him with cookies and other sensual treat..." Hmmm...what would those be, exactly?
Great picture, sexy lady!
What an outstanding idea, to showcase your excellent reading voice!
And yes, that is an outstanding picture!
The website is looking utterly lovely! Kudos to you and Mr. Digs.
Your reading voice is pure velvet, and I'm so glad you're featuring it.
I'm also nodding in agreement at your comment about how a writer's reading of his/her own work brings out the nuances.
[My spamword is ellogon. I think the Ellogon is the EllaRegina glossary.]
Great idea, beautifullly done.
Hey, Jeremy! Yeah, that's my book! ;-)
My word: awyers
My attorneys sued for the L.
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