Sunday, December 08, 2013
Amorous Woman is a Top Erotica Pick for 2013
Is there a better way for an author to close out the year? Terrance Aldon Shaw of the well-regarded erotica review site, Erotica for the Big Brain, has chosen Amorous Woman to top his Best of 2013 list.
Here's a sampling of what TAS has to say about the novel:
"At times as luridly salacious as a classic shunga print, at others as subtle and cerebrally engaging as the most exquisitely polysemous kanji, sweet and mystically melodious as the languid interplay of shakuhachi, shamisen, and koto, Amorous Woman is destined to become one of the great erotic classics of the modern era."
I'm thrilled to be on the list with amazing erotica writers like Jeremy Edwards, D. L. King, and Kristina Wright. Let the party begin!
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Amorous Woman at Musings of a Book Maven
I'm happy to be a guest at Rhonda Laurel's Musings of a Book Maven today. The excerpt from Amorous Woman has never appeared online before, but I chose it because it's really one of my favorite scenes from the book. The erotic tension is more subtle, but it really touches on the meeting of cultures, the longing for closeness that exists between the West and Japan. Let me know what you think!
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Do You Love Cookies?
I've very excited to announce that I've created a new blog all about cookies called Cookie Passionista. December is the perfect time of year to start this blog, because that's when Cookie Madness happens--crazy days of baking many kinds of holiday cookies to give as gifts. Cookie Madness began today when I baked my famous pecan cookies for my brother-in-law for Hanukkah. They're flying across the country in an Express Mail flat-rate box as I write. If you'd like the recipe for these cookies and my special tricks for making them delicious, hop on over to Cookie Passionista!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Rhonda Laurel's "The Blake Legacy"
Rhonda Laurel is my guest today with news of her hot-off-the-presses novel, The Blake Legacy. So settle in with your glass of holiday eggnog for an excerpt from the book and don't forget to enter the giveaways!
The Blake Legacy (Book 4 in The Blake Boys series)
See the book trailer and buy the novel at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble and ARe
NFL quarterback Seth Blake is having an unbelievable hot streak—he’s won his third Super Bowl title the same day his wife Morgan gave birth to their son. Life couldn’t be better for the new father and MVP. His contract with the Philadelphia Titans expires in a year, giving him a chance to make a professional dream come true: to play in his home state for the Texas Wildcats and return to his much-missed Twelve Horseshoes Ranch—this time, for good.
Morgan Reed-Blake has never been happier. She’s got the best husband, the cutest baby, and she’s successfully juggling career and family. Her bookstore is expanding, her charitable organization is growing, and she’s been offered her dream job on the literacy council. Everything in her Philadelphia world is coming up roses. Until Seth’s contract with the Titans expires, and his dream of returning home comes close enough to touch…and the powers that be in Texas start romancing Seth in earnest. Morgan and Seth both have dreams. But a choice has to be made…
As soon as Seth stepped into the crowded amphitheater, his team began chanting their battle cry. Cameras started flashing and reporters fired questions at him from around the room. He moved toward the stage and was greeted by his good friend and team mate Patton Hawkes. Patton gave him a hug and took a seat next to Seth at the center table.
“Seth, how’s your wife?” a reporter yelled from the back of the room.
“She’s fine. The baby’s fine. I couldn’t ask for a better day than this.” Seth ran a hand over his face.
“Boy or girl?” someone else shouted.
“A boy. His name is Seth Jacob Blake Jr. And before anyone asks, he will be a quarterback.” Seth grinned and winked.
The room erupted in laughter. Technical questions about the game began to flow, and he was grateful he could answer on autopilot. He congratulated the team and reinforced the group effort involved to win, thanking each of them for playing their best. Everyone agreed that his fifty-five yard pass to Lamont to score the winning touchdown was the greatest play of the game.
“How does it feel to achieve three Super Bowl wins in a row, something no team has ever achieved before?” The million-dollar question came from the back of the room.
Seth tugged on his ear. “It feels great, but it’s also a humbling experience. This achievement shows how dedicated every player was on the team to doing our jobs, and in the process we made a little football history.”
“Being three time MVP ain’t bad either, is it?”
The crowd roared.
“The honor of being named MVP is never to be taken lightly, and I have much respect for it. Somebody thought I was doing something right, and I appreciate that. But if I didn’t work with exceptional people, there would be no title.”
“Seth, what were you thinking when you threw the ball to Lamont?” a sports reporter for Sports Now yelled out.
“I was thinking, Lamont, if you never catch another pass I throw you, this is the one you should catch.” Seth laughed.
“Were you aware your wife was in labor during the game?”
“No. She told my family that under no circumstances was anyone allowed to tell me she was in labor until the game was over.” He shook his head, smiling.
Patton grabbed the microphone off the stand in front of him. “And before anyone asks, I am the godfather to his son.”
There was rumbling among the team about why Patton should have the honor. Seth covered his mic with his hand, leaned over, and whispered to Patton, “Thanks, man.”
“They’ll get over it,” Patton spoke into his microphone.
Damn. The rumblings grew louder. Seth had to defuse the situation before it blew up in his face. “Our wives are good friends. Nina was always there to help Morgan during the pregnancy.”
His teammates kept grumbling but gradually went quiet, and Seth tried not to wipe sweat off his brow. Questions about the game resumed, and Seth fired off responses as quickly as he could, anxious to get back to his family. He didn’t want to miss a minute of the first day of his son’s life. He did his best to be polite, but after forty-five minutes, he informed everyone he was headed back upstairs. After a brief conversation with Daniel and his agent, Luke, Seth slipped out a side door and headed for the elevator.
“Great game today,” a familiar voice said from the direction of the reception area.
Seth turned to see T.K. Holbrook, a friend of his father’s and one of the richest men in Texas. T.K. was also the owner of the football team the Texas Tomcats. T.K. had courted Seth throughout his football career to play for him, but timing was never on their side.
“Thanks, T.K.” Seth shook his hand.
“And congratulations on your baby boy. John Jacob let me get a peek at him; he’s a handsome little devil. I see a Super Bowl in his future.”
Seth laughed. “I’m hopeful.”
“If he does, then maybe a Blake will finally play for the Tomcats.” T.K. winked at him.
The elevator door opened, and Seth held out his hand to keep it ajar.
T.K. hitched up his pants. “I knew you could do it. I knew you would take the Titans to glory when you signed that contract. I regret I couldn’t get to you first.”
“Well, the timing wasn’t right. Things seemed to have fallen into place for a reason.” Seth smiled.
T.K. nodded at Seth’s sentiment. “You’ve given them three Super Bowl wins. I knew you were a champion the first time I saw you play in grade school. Your father and I would talk about that all the time when you were a boy. We both knew you’d be in the Hall of Fame one day.”
“It’s a little early for that. But everything I’ve done in my career was to work toward being an exemplary player and to make my family proud.” Seth held out his hand again when the elevator door began making a jerking movement.
“Well, you’ve definitely done that. Listen, I know you want to get back to your family. Congratulations again.”
“Thank you for stopping by, T.K. I appreciate it.” Seth nodded.
“Your contract with the Titans is up in a year, right?” T.K. rubbed his chin.
Seth had to think about it for a moment. There had been so much going on he’d forgotten about his expiring contract. “Yes,” Seth said as he stepped inside the elevator.
T.K. smiled and tipped his hat.
The elevator doors closed, leaving Seth alone to process T.K’s surprise visit. A few years ago the possibility of playing in Texas would have been his biggest dream come true.
The elevator opened again, and he was surprised to see the corridor leading to Morgan’s room empty. Seth gently opened the door to her room to find her nursing the baby.
Morgan looked up when he walked in. “We were just talking about you.”
“Is that right?” Seth sat on the bed and caressed her cheek.
“I was telling Jake about what a great game his dad played today.”
“Jake? That’s a nice nickname.”
“It was not my idea. The family got together and decided that S.J. sounded pretentious. Your father said he looked like a Jake. After that decision was made, they shifted to where he would go to college. I kicked everyone out.” Morgan flashed a cheesy smile.
Seth shook his head. “You didn’t.”
“I love them all, but they were driving me crazy. I threatened to institute a demerit system on visitation tomorrow. How did the press conference go?”
“I told everyone you were holding the next Blake quarterback in your arms.”
Morgan giggled. “No pressure on your son at all. Your dad brought in this man he said was an old friend of the family. His name was T.K. Holbrook. Did you see him?”
“I ran into him downstairs.” Seth moved her bangs out of her eyes for her. Her hands were a bit full after all.
“Good. He seemed anxious to talk to you. I got the feeling it was about more than a congratulatory chat. What did he say?” Morgan furrowed her eyebrows.
“He wanted to congratulate me on the baby and the win today.”
The sound of Jake’s suckling noises echoed through the room.
Seth couldn’t help but grin. “Boy is he hungry.”
“He’s going to have your big appetite.”
Seth kept watching, entranced. Morgan had to cough to bring his attention back to her face.
“You do know my breasts won’t remain this size?”
He smirked. “They might.”
“Well, if I go back down to my normal cup size, maybe you’ll start looking me in the face again.” Morgan arched her eyebrow.
Seth held his hand to his chest, feigning indignation. “I beg your pardon. I was just admiring the luscious view.”
“Well, I got a spare tire to go with the bigger boobs.” She groaned.
“Morgan Blake, you are beautiful, right now, just the way you are.” Seth kissed her tenderly on the lips.
Check out Rhonda's Giveaways:
The Blake Legacy Trivia Giveaway (11/15 – 12/15, Winner announced 12/16)
The Blake Legacy Unofficial Street Team Swag Giveaway (11/15 – 12/15, Winner announced 12/16)
Thanks for stopping by, Rhonda!
The Blake Legacy (Book 4 in The Blake Boys series)
See the book trailer and buy the novel at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble and ARe
NFL quarterback Seth Blake is having an unbelievable hot streak—he’s won his third Super Bowl title the same day his wife Morgan gave birth to their son. Life couldn’t be better for the new father and MVP. His contract with the Philadelphia Titans expires in a year, giving him a chance to make a professional dream come true: to play in his home state for the Texas Wildcats and return to his much-missed Twelve Horseshoes Ranch—this time, for good.
Morgan Reed-Blake has never been happier. She’s got the best husband, the cutest baby, and she’s successfully juggling career and family. Her bookstore is expanding, her charitable organization is growing, and she’s been offered her dream job on the literacy council. Everything in her Philadelphia world is coming up roses. Until Seth’s contract with the Titans expires, and his dream of returning home comes close enough to touch…and the powers that be in Texas start romancing Seth in earnest. Morgan and Seth both have dreams. But a choice has to be made…
As soon as Seth stepped into the crowded amphitheater, his team began chanting their battle cry. Cameras started flashing and reporters fired questions at him from around the room. He moved toward the stage and was greeted by his good friend and team mate Patton Hawkes. Patton gave him a hug and took a seat next to Seth at the center table.
“Seth, how’s your wife?” a reporter yelled from the back of the room.
“She’s fine. The baby’s fine. I couldn’t ask for a better day than this.” Seth ran a hand over his face.
“Boy or girl?” someone else shouted.
“A boy. His name is Seth Jacob Blake Jr. And before anyone asks, he will be a quarterback.” Seth grinned and winked.
The room erupted in laughter. Technical questions about the game began to flow, and he was grateful he could answer on autopilot. He congratulated the team and reinforced the group effort involved to win, thanking each of them for playing their best. Everyone agreed that his fifty-five yard pass to Lamont to score the winning touchdown was the greatest play of the game.
“How does it feel to achieve three Super Bowl wins in a row, something no team has ever achieved before?” The million-dollar question came from the back of the room.
Seth tugged on his ear. “It feels great, but it’s also a humbling experience. This achievement shows how dedicated every player was on the team to doing our jobs, and in the process we made a little football history.”
“Being three time MVP ain’t bad either, is it?”
The crowd roared.
“The honor of being named MVP is never to be taken lightly, and I have much respect for it. Somebody thought I was doing something right, and I appreciate that. But if I didn’t work with exceptional people, there would be no title.”
“Seth, what were you thinking when you threw the ball to Lamont?” a sports reporter for Sports Now yelled out.
“I was thinking, Lamont, if you never catch another pass I throw you, this is the one you should catch.” Seth laughed.
“Were you aware your wife was in labor during the game?”
“No. She told my family that under no circumstances was anyone allowed to tell me she was in labor until the game was over.” He shook his head, smiling.
Patton grabbed the microphone off the stand in front of him. “And before anyone asks, I am the godfather to his son.”
There was rumbling among the team about why Patton should have the honor. Seth covered his mic with his hand, leaned over, and whispered to Patton, “Thanks, man.”
“They’ll get over it,” Patton spoke into his microphone.
Damn. The rumblings grew louder. Seth had to defuse the situation before it blew up in his face. “Our wives are good friends. Nina was always there to help Morgan during the pregnancy.”
His teammates kept grumbling but gradually went quiet, and Seth tried not to wipe sweat off his brow. Questions about the game resumed, and Seth fired off responses as quickly as he could, anxious to get back to his family. He didn’t want to miss a minute of the first day of his son’s life. He did his best to be polite, but after forty-five minutes, he informed everyone he was headed back upstairs. After a brief conversation with Daniel and his agent, Luke, Seth slipped out a side door and headed for the elevator.
“Great game today,” a familiar voice said from the direction of the reception area.
Seth turned to see T.K. Holbrook, a friend of his father’s and one of the richest men in Texas. T.K. was also the owner of the football team the Texas Tomcats. T.K. had courted Seth throughout his football career to play for him, but timing was never on their side.
“Thanks, T.K.” Seth shook his hand.
“And congratulations on your baby boy. John Jacob let me get a peek at him; he’s a handsome little devil. I see a Super Bowl in his future.”
Seth laughed. “I’m hopeful.”
“If he does, then maybe a Blake will finally play for the Tomcats.” T.K. winked at him.
The elevator door opened, and Seth held out his hand to keep it ajar.
T.K. hitched up his pants. “I knew you could do it. I knew you would take the Titans to glory when you signed that contract. I regret I couldn’t get to you first.”
“Well, the timing wasn’t right. Things seemed to have fallen into place for a reason.” Seth smiled.
T.K. nodded at Seth’s sentiment. “You’ve given them three Super Bowl wins. I knew you were a champion the first time I saw you play in grade school. Your father and I would talk about that all the time when you were a boy. We both knew you’d be in the Hall of Fame one day.”
“It’s a little early for that. But everything I’ve done in my career was to work toward being an exemplary player and to make my family proud.” Seth held out his hand again when the elevator door began making a jerking movement.
“Well, you’ve definitely done that. Listen, I know you want to get back to your family. Congratulations again.”
“Thank you for stopping by, T.K. I appreciate it.” Seth nodded.
“Your contract with the Titans is up in a year, right?” T.K. rubbed his chin.
Seth had to think about it for a moment. There had been so much going on he’d forgotten about his expiring contract. “Yes,” Seth said as he stepped inside the elevator.
T.K. smiled and tipped his hat.
The elevator doors closed, leaving Seth alone to process T.K’s surprise visit. A few years ago the possibility of playing in Texas would have been his biggest dream come true.
The elevator opened again, and he was surprised to see the corridor leading to Morgan’s room empty. Seth gently opened the door to her room to find her nursing the baby.
Morgan looked up when he walked in. “We were just talking about you.”
“Is that right?” Seth sat on the bed and caressed her cheek.
“I was telling Jake about what a great game his dad played today.”
“Jake? That’s a nice nickname.”
“It was not my idea. The family got together and decided that S.J. sounded pretentious. Your father said he looked like a Jake. After that decision was made, they shifted to where he would go to college. I kicked everyone out.” Morgan flashed a cheesy smile.
Seth shook his head. “You didn’t.”
“I love them all, but they were driving me crazy. I threatened to institute a demerit system on visitation tomorrow. How did the press conference go?”
“I told everyone you were holding the next Blake quarterback in your arms.”
Morgan giggled. “No pressure on your son at all. Your dad brought in this man he said was an old friend of the family. His name was T.K. Holbrook. Did you see him?”
“I ran into him downstairs.” Seth moved her bangs out of her eyes for her. Her hands were a bit full after all.
“Good. He seemed anxious to talk to you. I got the feeling it was about more than a congratulatory chat. What did he say?” Morgan furrowed her eyebrows.
“He wanted to congratulate me on the baby and the win today.”
The sound of Jake’s suckling noises echoed through the room.
Seth couldn’t help but grin. “Boy is he hungry.”
“He’s going to have your big appetite.”
Seth kept watching, entranced. Morgan had to cough to bring his attention back to her face.
“You do know my breasts won’t remain this size?”
He smirked. “They might.”
“Well, if I go back down to my normal cup size, maybe you’ll start looking me in the face again.” Morgan arched her eyebrow.
Seth held his hand to his chest, feigning indignation. “I beg your pardon. I was just admiring the luscious view.”
“Well, I got a spare tire to go with the bigger boobs.” She groaned.
“Morgan Blake, you are beautiful, right now, just the way you are.” Seth kissed her tenderly on the lips.
Check out Rhonda's Giveaways:
The Blake Legacy Trivia Giveaway (11/15 – 12/15, Winner announced 12/16)
The Blake Legacy Unofficial Street Team Swag Giveaway (11/15 – 12/15, Winner announced 12/16)
Thanks for stopping by, Rhonda!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
For the Love of Our Furry Friends Blog Tour

The holiday season is just around the corner--and next week we'll all be braving the grocery stores to buy ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner. I'm making our traditional feast: butternut squash-chestnut risotto, Grand Marnier cranberry sauce, steamed green beans and almond cake for dessert. Talking about food is a great way to get in the holiday mood, but another great way is to start reading some good stories set during the holidays. Today I'm hosting Sharon Kleve and Jennifer Connor on their rounds of For the Love of Our Furry Friends Christmas Blog Tour. Of course, there's raffle with great prizes (scroll to the end for the details).
Book Title: Brenda’s Christmas Desire (Book two in the Dreams Come True Series)
Author: Sharon Kleve
Publisher: Books to Go Now
Genre: Contemporary Christmas Romance
Release Date: 11.20.2013
Length: 50 pages
Heat Rating: Sweet
Like any child Brenda Howser loved Christmas until her parents were killed by a drunk driver during their annual shopping trip. Brenda went to live with her aunt, who blamed their death on everything that represented Christmas; the gifts, the tree, and all the decorations. The festivities' Brenda once cherished became something she dreaded under the shadow of her parents death. She lived in fear of something happening to the people she loved during Christmas. Christmas approaches and Brenda has to decide if she’s going to let the past hold her prisoner for another year or if she can finally enjoy what Christmas used to mean to her—love.
DEA agent, John Smith knows the significance of December fifteenth to Brenda, but when the head of the Nuevo Cartel escapes federal prison he's forced to let her face the day without him, but not quite alone. Can Daisy, a golden Labrador puppy, a huge sale on decorations at the hardware store, and a gift from her aunt restore her love of Christmas?
December 2013
The weather forecast for the Western Washington area, specifically North Seattle, predicted a good five-to-six inches of snow. Brenda Houser watched the flakes float like cotton balls from the sky as she dipped a tortilla chip into a bowl of thick and chunky salsa and popped the morsel into her mouth.
Her boss, Corny Myers, tapped her pencil on Brenda's reception desk to the beat of The Little Drummer Boy, which streamed from the Green Hornet Investigations Bose speakers.
"Hey, Brenda. I have bad eating habits but I've never started the day with chips and salsa. What's up?" Corny asked.
"You know how I feel about all the holiday hoopla. I'd rather stick my head in the sand and pull it back out in January."
"Do you really think Mexican food is going to make you feel better?"
"Probably not, but a couple margaritas might help."
Author Bio:
Sharon Kleve was born and raised in Washington and currently lives on the Olympic Peninsula with her husband. Sharon is a writer of paranormal and contemporary romance. She loves romance. She loves reading romance, living romance, and especially loves writing about romance. She gets no greater feeling than watching her characters come alive in each other's arms. Most of all, she loves giving her characters the happily ever after they deserve—with a few bumps and bruises along the way. One of her favorite things to do is picking up a new book and sinking into the story, immersing herself in the emotions between the characters. She hopes to inspire her readers the same way her favorite authors have inspired her. When not writing, she can usually be found either curled up in her recliner with her cat and a good book, or in the kitchen baking sourdough bread or bagels.
Book Title: Central Bark At Christmas (Book one in the Dog Tails Series)
Author: Jennifer Conner
Publisher: Books to Go Now
Genre: Sweet Contemporary Christmas Romance
Release Date: 11.09.2013
Length: 50 pages
Heat Rating: Sweet
When Tennyson’s boyfriend left her for her best friend from high-school, all Tennyson received in the break up was her dog. She’s sworn off men and now is rebuilding her life. The only thing Par does is work. He barely has time to do anything he wants for himself other than take his dog to the dog park. When Par and Tennyson find an abandoned dog at the park named Duke. Will they find room in their hearts to take him in? And can this Christmas season weave some special magic for the two of them?
Book Excerpt:
“I’m happy this wasn’t your worst date ever, because I had a great time.” He lifted her chin with the tips of his finger. Slowly he lowered his head until she thought she would die of anticipation. He clamped his hands to her waist and gazed into her eyes. “You’re so beautiful…” There was depth and sincerity in the tone of his voice. She felt special. Desired. He dropped his head and kissed her.
Gentle at first and then deep. She couldn’t breathe. He’d sucked all the air from her lungs, but there was no way she wanted him to stop. As she brushed his firm lips to hers, she relished the feel of her blood simmering in her veins. Par slid his fingers through her long hair to cradle and position her head to kiss her even more thoroughly.
His lips pulled away from hers and he stepped back. She reached for the roof of the car to steady herself. Oh. My. God… could this man kiss.
“Not bad for a first date,” he whispered and then kissed her gently again.
Okay… so it was a date. After that kiss it turned into an ‘official date’ and she had no regrets at all.
--> Book Title: Christmas Gift That Keeps Wagging (Book two in the Dog Tails Series)
Author: Jennifer Conner
Publisher: Books to Go Now
Genre: Sweet Contemporary Christmas Romance
Release Date: 11.06.2013
Length: 50 pages
Heat Rating: Sweet
Julian Barrows has his hands full working full time and being a single dad to his kindergarten, special needs son, Gabe. Gabe’s teacher convinces Julian he doesn’t need to do everything on his own and introduces him to a seizure dog trainer, Hanna Acker. Hanna and her sister grew up without any ‘Christmas Cheer’. She’s trying to get her sister through college and doesn’t have time to let anyone too close, especially the handsome single dad with a kid. But, Christmas has a way of changing what we thought we wanted… especially when Santa and an adorable four-legged ‘elf’ are involved.
Book Excerpt:
“What’s this?” Hanna asked, as she ran a hand over the grocery bag wrapping paper.
Julian took her coat and hung it by the door so she could follow Gabe into the living room.
“Daddy saw this in a store window and said that we had to get it for you. Open it!” Gabe said. “I wrapped it myself,” he added proudly.
“But it’s not Christmas.”
“No. This is a before Christmas gift. You have to open it now.”
She pulled off a half-pound of scotch tape and finally the paper fell away. Hanna stared at the gift in disbelief. “A Christmas sock… with my name on it.”
Julian came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You told me that you’d never had a Christmas stocking of your own when you were growing up. Gabe knew Santa wouldn’t know where you were if you didn’t have you sock hung somewhere.” He winked. “So you needed it.”
“You can take it to your home or you can hang it here!” Gabe shouted almost tripping over Cody.
Author Bio:
Jennifer Conner is a best-selling Northwest author who has over thirty short stories on ebook and three full-length books in print. She writes in Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Historical Romance, and Erotica. Shot in the Dark hit Amazon at #1 in Romantic Suspense and Christmas Chaos was #2 in the Romance category. Her novel Shot in the Dark was a finalist in the Emerald City Opener, Cleveland, and Toronto RWA contests. Jennifer is an Associate Publisher for the indie e-book company Books to Go Now that resides in the Seattle area. Books to Go Now offers professional editing, cover design, multiple book format file creation, and most important--publicity. Their staff works to help make our author books a success one book at a time. She lives in a hundred year old house that she grew up in. Her semi- small town holds an interesting mix of resident hillbillies, yuppies and Navy Seals. And of course Seattle, only a few miles away, is the birthplace of Starbucks so coffee is always on the check list. She blows glass beads with a blow torch, (which relieves a lot of stress and people don't bother you).
Rafflecopter Giveaway Prizes:
• One (1) Winner will receive a $25 gift card to a book seller of their choice
• One (1) Winner will receive Sharon Kleve’s Book one and two of the Dreams Come True Series.
• One (1) Winner will receive Jennifer Conner’s Book one and two of the Dog Tails Series.
Click here to enter. And a happy furry holidays to you all!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
The Myth of Immortal Prose
This month in my column at the Erotic Readers and Writers Association blog, I talk about "The Myth of Immortal Prose." Back when I first started writing, a workshop leader's highest praise was to say that a story was "writing that will last." But how many published books actually do last and why? Let me know what you think!
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Big Book of Orgasms Reading was Awesome!
I wanted to post the photo from last night's erotica reading at the Vibrator Museum at the Good Vibrations store on Polk Street. This standing-room-only event was a celebration for Rachel Kramer Bussel's latest anthology, The Big Book of Orgasms: 69 Sexy Stories, and included nine different writers reading their own short-short stories. All were well-written, fascinating, and most of all HOT. I felt really blessed to be part of such a courageous, talented community. Do check out The Big Book of Orgasms. It's erotica at its best--an array of bonbons for every taste! (With Virgie Tovar, Sinclair Sexsmith, Xan West, Jade A. Waters, Malin James, yours truly in the horizontal stripes, B.D. Swain, Rachel and Lily K. Cho.)
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Something Special For Sommer Fundraiser
I've always been so amazed at the creativity, generosity and all-around wonderfulness of the erotica community, even though, you know, a lot of proper people call us other things. Well, the Something Special for Sommer Fundraiser is a particularly wonderful and generous thing. Sommer's husband is going through chemotherapy and insurance doesn't cover it right now. Lots of erotica writers have donated books and other goodies. I donated one of my very last paperback copies of Amorous Woman, which was bought by the awesome erotica writer Teresa Noelle Roberts, so I can no longer try to tempt you with that, but there are plenty of other awesome books and ways to help. Please head over and check it out!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Married Sex Is VERY Hot!
What's the most taboo subject in erotica? For me, the answer is red-hot sex between people who are married to each other! That's why I am especially delighted to be part of Kristina Wright's Bedded Bliss: A Couple's Guide to Lust Ever After. This book is a genuine treasury--each chapter opens with an essay by the editor on topics such has "growing your lust together," "lust after parenthood," and "middle-aged lust" (that's me!), followed by fiction from the A-list of erotica writers (and me!). Spiced with inspiring suggestions, intelligent observations, and delicious eros, Bedded Bliss will bring real joy to your real sex life with your real partner. Imagine that! In fact, reclaiming the pleasure of marital sexuality is a revolutionary act--I have my copy on the nightstand for regular reference. For the revolution!
Friday, October 18, 2013
A Writer's Mid-Career Crisis
I've been going through a bit of a fallow period with my writing for the last several months. In this month's ERWA column, "Validation, Desire, and Other Reasons to Write," I muse about the reasons I wrote at the start of my writing adventure (mostly validation through publication) and how I'm ready for a big change. Let me know what you think!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Sweet 'n' Steamy Reasons to Blog--And Win Great Blog Tour Prizes!
I'm honored to kick off the fall season by hosting Sharon Kleve and Kara Leigh Miller as they stroll around the blog-o-sphere on their Sweet 'n' Steamy Blog Tour. Kara and Sharon have shared a great article below on the benefits of blogging to authors in the Internet age. And once you've been inspired to get out there and blog (I'm already working on my next ERWA column), sign up to enter the generous giveaway, including a $25 gift card to the online bookseller of your choice and lots of great books.
But first, I'd like to introduce these authors' latest books, both of which have the most gorgeous eye-candy covers.
Sharon's latest release Halo's Wish, is Christmas story--I love Christmas stories!--about a pet detective who discovers something more than she bargained for. (Hint: this very sweet holiday tale involves a very handsome veterinarian).
Get yourself a copy of Halo's Wish at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble
Kara's new novel has an irresistible hook--should you "ruin" a close friendship with a sexy guy or give in to the overwhelming attraction between you? Hmm, I know what I'm hoping happens....
You can purchase Jilted at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
And now, Sharon and Kara on blogging for authors....
It's all the rage nowadays. Everyone is doing it. Are you?
Authors are encouraged, sometimes required by their publishers to have a blog. But, have you ever stopped and wondered, what's the point? If you have a website, Facebook page, Twitter account, Goodreads profile, Pinterest Account, Google+, Tumblr, and all those other time sucking social media outlets, why add another, right?
Why? Because it's fun!
Okay, seriously, it is fun, but it's more than that. For an author, it means exposure—which in today's publishing world can make or break you. A blog is a place for you to express yourself creatively about things you might not write about in your books. It's a place for you to share your knowledge and experiences and to promote your books. And it's a place for you to connect with other authors and readers in a more in-depth, personal way than Facebook or Twitter allows.
So, have I convinced you yet? If not, check out the article below by Andrew Grant published on July 1, 2013 on why you should have a blog.
Why You Should Have a Blog – 10 Great Reasons
1. Everybody is interested in something
And doing that favorite something is the quickest path to happiness and fulfillment that I know of. Therefore, it’s logical to conclude that writing a blog about that something is probably the most accessible way to make money around your favorite way of spending time.
2. A blog will make you friends
The very essence of a blog is that it will attract people who like the same things as you. They may see them very differently and they may well not agree with everything you say, but they will definitely share your interests. Isn’t that the very definition of friendships?
3. Blogging encourages your creativity
Even if you don’t think of yourself as creative, I am willing to bet that if you set yourself the challenge of writing three short blog posts about something you love, you will be amazed at how creative you can be.
4. Owning a blog gives you motivation
Once you begin to see the fruits of your efforts and especially when you start to get positive feedback from people you have never met, you will find that what looked like an onerous task at the outset is suddenly a pleasure to do – you can’t wait to see what your loyal readers will think of your latest post.
5. Blogging gives you self-discipline
Once you set yourself a schedule to regularly blog, you feel a responsibility to your readers to deliver on your commitment, but it’s a pleasure not a stress, because you know they are enthusiastically waiting for what you give them.
6. Blogging keeps you sharp
If you write a how-to blog, like mine, then you will be honing your skills of research and summation. If your blog is more opinion based, then you need to keep abreast of other views and the latest developments in your field so that you can comment on them with authority. You’ll find your thinking skills get keener and your ability to filter good information from bad gets a lot more efficient.
7. Blogging is rewarding
I guarantee that the best thing you will get from blogging is the satisfaction of making a difference to someone else’s life no matter how minor that difference might be. From a grateful reader telling you how much they enjoyed following one of your patterns to the person making their first few dollars online. The moment when you read their heartfelt email will be one of the high-points of your week.
8. A blog is a test-bed
Once you start to build an audience, your blog will become the place where you can try stuff out. You can ask their opinion on your plans and projects, test different offers with them and best of all you can get them to tell you what they need so you can make a product that suits, safe in the knowledge that as soon as you do, they are going to be the first ones to buy it.
9. You don’t need to be a good writer
No matter how poor you think your writing skills are, I absolutely encourage you to just get stuck in and start writing immediately. There are some great blogs out there written by people who are nowhere near polished, but they write with an intensity that makes that meaningless. In fact if they improved their writing, their blogs probably wouldn’t be as good. Their passion shines through.
10. Google loves bloggers
Every post you write, every picture you link and every comment you receive is another little building brick in the great structure of your credibility. The great bloggers out there have built their authority, their popularity and their credibility, by doing one thing well and doing it regularly. Creating stuff that people want to read, watch, listen to and act upon. Ike the movie said, “If you build it they will come,” and that was never more appropriate than when applied to blogging.
Quite simply, a blog is the best and most long-term profitable way to spend your time on the internet, bar none.
This YouTube video is a simple step-by-step instruction on how to set-up a Blog on Blogger.
Don't forget to sign up for the Sweet 'n' Steamy Blog Tour Giveaway at Rafflecopter.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Is Sexual Fantasy Hazardous to Your Health?
This is the subtext of a lot of media attention given to erotica and sexual fantasy these days. You might say this is ironic given the popularity of the thriving erotic fiction business, but all progress seems to invite a backlash. This month at the ERWA blog, I talk about the "dangers" of sexual fantasy identified by the media and whether we should be worried. Let me know what you think!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
What's the Sexiest Movie You've Ever Seen?
Recently I was looking through my writing files and came upon an article I'd clipped from a 2008 issue of Entertainment Weekly: "50 Sexiest Movies." I remember going through the list at the time and agreeing with just a few of the choices, although some of the suggestions led me to some happy viewing! In my ERWA column this month, "The Sexiest Movie You've Ever Seen," I talk about the male gaze, female desire and some sexy movie recommendations for a sultry summer night. I've already gotten some great comments and suggestions from readers as well. Check it out--and weigh in with your recommendations!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Erotic Inspirations
My May column is up at ERWA, Erotic Inspirations: A Very Personal Reading List. This month I talk about the erotic books that first inspired me to start writing my own steamy stories. Check it out and let me know which stories first sparked your erotic fancies!
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
A "Big Brain" Review of Amorous Woman
One of the main ways a writer can quiet the nasty editorial voices in her head is to imagine the ideal reader who will "get" what she's trying to do. Terrance Aldon Shaw's review of Amorous Woman over at Erotica for the Big Brain showed me that my ideal reader is not just a fantasy--he exists! Check it out, and if you haven't yet read my steamy tale of an American's love affair with Japan, I hope this brainy (and honest) review will give you that little push to download a copy and get reading!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sex and Power, Night and Day
My new column is up at ERWA today, "Sex and Power, Night and Day," and I had a particularly good time writing this one! Although we allow that night dreams speak to us in inscrutable code, daydreams are assumed to be a literal expression of desire. At least fantasies are treated as that transparent and dangerous, and thus we learn not to speak of them. But I believe they deserve the same treatment we give a literary text, with a respect for the deeper, hidden possibilities in the story. Plus, I argue that power-play erotica packs its punch because it takes on two taboos in our society--the unspeakable truths of sex and power. Let me know what you think!
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
The Erotic Magic of She Said-He Said
I’ve been having a very good time reading my contributor’s copy of Sudden Sex: 69 Sultry Short Stories edited by Alison Tyler and including favorite writers such as Jeremy Edwards, Vida Bailey, Heidi Champa and Jax Baynard. Erotica definitely lends itself to the shorter form. When I write erotic stories under 2000 words, I definitely find myself turning up the heat for a quick boil. But I still like to have all the ingredients for a good story ready to mix in for a satisfying result!
A number of authors have more than one story in the anthology, so it’s also been interesting to see how the two stories complement each other. Some, like Alison Tyler’s “Booked” and “Bookended,” which open and close the book, portray a promising meeting between a client and a bookstore employee, following by an even more promising first date. The wordplay and meta aspects are as much fun as the kinky sex!
My two stories in the book were lots of fun to write because the first, “Frank,” is the “she said” and the second, “Eva,” is the “he said” of a femsub relationship. Exploring the same scene from two different points of view, getting deep inside two different minds, is the kind of exciting writers love most. I’d like to whet your appetite with two sample views of the same moment. I didn’t want to give too much away, so if you find these tame, all I can say is get yourself a copy of Sudden Sex and read the stories!
From “Frank”:
I perched myself at the edge of the bed feeling very much on edge myself. Who knew what Frank would do tonight? I was suddenly aware of the warm slickness between my legs.
Frank could make me wet before he even touched me.
Just then he sauntered into the bedroom, an impressive erection already tenting his robe. I blushed and looked away.
He sat on the bed beside me. “You have something naughty to tell me, don’t you, Eva? I know that expression on your face.”
My cheeks flamed brighter.
“Are you going to confess or will I need to resort to firmer means?”
I felt another gush of arousal ooze down my thighs. “While I waited for you, I ....”
“Out with it.”
“I touch... touched myself.”
“Indeed? Do you think of me and masturbate when you’re at home, too?”
I nodded reluctantly.
Frank clicked his tongue. “Your poor bastard of a husband has no idea how depraved you are. You know you need to be disciplined for this?”
I nodded again, my heart now thumping against my ribs.
Calmly, deliberately, Frank arranged my body diagonally across the bed and tied my wrists to the bed poster with the belts of our robes....
From “Eva”:
Eva meets me at the door in the hotel bathrobe, bright-eyed and gorgeous. I swear I can smell her pussy, like fresh baked bread. I know that shaving for me arouses her, but something else is afoot. A secret. Almost as if she’s had a lover while I was gone.
My cock twitches.
I send her off to bed and go change into a robe myself. When I join her, Eva’s sitting on the edge of the bed studying the carpet and looking guilty as hell.
“You have something naughty to tell me, don’t you, Eva? I know that expression on your face.”
She stutters, but finally admits that she masturbated while she waited for me. My cock gets harder. I can just picture her in the bath, her cunt all dewy, that slim finger jiggling away in the folds.
I ask her if she fantasizes about me when she masturbates at home, behind the back of her poor unwitting husband.
She bites her lip and nods.
“You know you need to be disciplined for this?”
She catches her breath.
I smile. She’s handed me the perfect reason to tie her up—to keep those wandering fingers from doing more mischief. It’s always easier to push the limits when she “deserves” it. Still I pay close attention to her response as I bind her wrists to the bed post with the belts of our robes. This was new for us. So far, so good....
A number of authors have more than one story in the anthology, so it’s also been interesting to see how the two stories complement each other. Some, like Alison Tyler’s “Booked” and “Bookended,” which open and close the book, portray a promising meeting between a client and a bookstore employee, following by an even more promising first date. The wordplay and meta aspects are as much fun as the kinky sex!
My two stories in the book were lots of fun to write because the first, “Frank,” is the “she said” and the second, “Eva,” is the “he said” of a femsub relationship. Exploring the same scene from two different points of view, getting deep inside two different minds, is the kind of exciting writers love most. I’d like to whet your appetite with two sample views of the same moment. I didn’t want to give too much away, so if you find these tame, all I can say is get yourself a copy of Sudden Sex and read the stories!
From “Frank”:
I perched myself at the edge of the bed feeling very much on edge myself. Who knew what Frank would do tonight? I was suddenly aware of the warm slickness between my legs.
Frank could make me wet before he even touched me.
Just then he sauntered into the bedroom, an impressive erection already tenting his robe. I blushed and looked away.
He sat on the bed beside me. “You have something naughty to tell me, don’t you, Eva? I know that expression on your face.”
My cheeks flamed brighter.
“Are you going to confess or will I need to resort to firmer means?”
I felt another gush of arousal ooze down my thighs. “While I waited for you, I ....”
“Out with it.”
“I touch... touched myself.”
“Indeed? Do you think of me and masturbate when you’re at home, too?”
I nodded reluctantly.
Frank clicked his tongue. “Your poor bastard of a husband has no idea how depraved you are. You know you need to be disciplined for this?”
I nodded again, my heart now thumping against my ribs.
Calmly, deliberately, Frank arranged my body diagonally across the bed and tied my wrists to the bed poster with the belts of our robes....
From “Eva”:
Eva meets me at the door in the hotel bathrobe, bright-eyed and gorgeous. I swear I can smell her pussy, like fresh baked bread. I know that shaving for me arouses her, but something else is afoot. A secret. Almost as if she’s had a lover while I was gone.
My cock twitches.
I send her off to bed and go change into a robe myself. When I join her, Eva’s sitting on the edge of the bed studying the carpet and looking guilty as hell.
“You have something naughty to tell me, don’t you, Eva? I know that expression on your face.”
She stutters, but finally admits that she masturbated while she waited for me. My cock gets harder. I can just picture her in the bath, her cunt all dewy, that slim finger jiggling away in the folds.
I ask her if she fantasizes about me when she masturbates at home, behind the back of her poor unwitting husband.
She bites her lip and nods.
“You know you need to be disciplined for this?”
She catches her breath.
I smile. She’s handed me the perfect reason to tie her up—to keep those wandering fingers from doing more mischief. It’s always easier to push the limits when she “deserves” it. Still I pay close attention to her response as I bind her wrists to the bed post with the belts of our robes. This was new for us. So far, so good....
Monday, March 04, 2013
The "Downton Abbey Dirty Story"--My Next Big Thing for 2013!
The Next Big Thing Blog Hop continues to gallop through the blogosphere, and I was recently tagged by the very talented literary writer, Naomi Williams. Our relationship is in itself an interesting story. We first met in my senior year of college in Japanese 101. Because Naomi was a freshman at the time, we didn’t get to know each other well, but we certainly did when we met again several years later as graduate students in Japanese literature at Stanford.
Fate would have it that after Stanford, we both turned our focus to creative writing. While I’ve been a very bad girl and shamelessly penned over a 150 erotic stories with lots of filthy words, Naomi’s work has won a Pushcart Prize and appeared in first-rate literary journals such as One Story and The Gettysburg Review. One of my very favorite of her stories is the humorous and experimental and irreverent “Sunday School,” which was recorded for KQED’s Writer’s Block radio literary archive. You can listen to it here. It’s brilliant!
Last week as part of the Next Big Thing Blog Hop, Naomi described her fascinating story collection-in-progress, Landfalls, which re-imagines events in and around the La Pérouse expedition, an 18th-century voyage of exploration that started in France in 1785 and ended with shipwreck in the South Seas in 1788. I’ve read some of the stories, and it’s literary fiction at its best, so know you have a treat coming.
I’m taking this blog-hop-stop opportunity to talk about my work-in-progress, a novella set in early twentieth-century London. This is a bit of an impulse project, but since 13 is my lucky number, I figured 2013 is a great year to indulge myself in a just-for-fun story. Here goes:
What is the working title of your novella?
“The Downton Abbey Dirty Story.” Or possibly an "X-rated Upstairs, Downstairs," but that first title always makes me smile, and a happy writer is a productive writer.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
A fresh-faced village girl goes into service in a grand London townhouse and learns a lot about the surprising intimate needs of her employers.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
Decades of watching PBS.
What genre does your book fall under?
You’ll find my book under these labels in your local e-store: Erotic Anglophilia, Social Class Pornography, Vintage Underwear Studies
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Lawrence Olivier and Julie Christie. Okay, we’re talking 50 years ago, but the imagination knows no boundaries, does it?
Will your book be self-published or sold through a publisher?
I’m not sure. I probably should check out the wonderful world of self-publishing, but publishers do provide more exposure, so to speak, and my book is all about exposing things. I’ll probably try a publisher first.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
The short story that inspired the longer work took about a week to finish, but the ideas kept flowing until I just knew I had to keep going with this project. I expect a few months for the novella. Yet in another a sense, I’ve been writing this in my head since I first started watching Masterpiece Theatre on Channel 13 back in my Washington, D.C. youth.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Fanny Hill. Tipping the Velvet. Autobiography of a Flea.
What inspired you to write this book?
Victorian porn and Downton Abbey. Or rather what they don’t show on Downton Abbey.
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Have you ever wondered what those starchy English empire-makers really did when they retired to their bedrooms in the evening? The lessons the gentleman brought back from Paris to gently instruct their wives in exotic pleasures? The perverted ways pampered ladies kept their jaded husbands satisfied within the hearth and home? Read this novella and discover the possibilities!
While you’re waiting for my new novella, check out Amorous Woman and Ageless Erotica.
Fate would have it that after Stanford, we both turned our focus to creative writing. While I’ve been a very bad girl and shamelessly penned over a 150 erotic stories with lots of filthy words, Naomi’s work has won a Pushcart Prize and appeared in first-rate literary journals such as One Story and The Gettysburg Review. One of my very favorite of her stories is the humorous and experimental and irreverent “Sunday School,” which was recorded for KQED’s Writer’s Block radio literary archive. You can listen to it here. It’s brilliant!
Last week as part of the Next Big Thing Blog Hop, Naomi described her fascinating story collection-in-progress, Landfalls, which re-imagines events in and around the La Pérouse expedition, an 18th-century voyage of exploration that started in France in 1785 and ended with shipwreck in the South Seas in 1788. I’ve read some of the stories, and it’s literary fiction at its best, so know you have a treat coming.
I’m taking this blog-hop-stop opportunity to talk about my work-in-progress, a novella set in early twentieth-century London. This is a bit of an impulse project, but since 13 is my lucky number, I figured 2013 is a great year to indulge myself in a just-for-fun story. Here goes:
What is the working title of your novella?
“The Downton Abbey Dirty Story.” Or possibly an "X-rated Upstairs, Downstairs," but that first title always makes me smile, and a happy writer is a productive writer.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
A fresh-faced village girl goes into service in a grand London townhouse and learns a lot about the surprising intimate needs of her employers.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
Decades of watching PBS.
What genre does your book fall under?
You’ll find my book under these labels in your local e-store: Erotic Anglophilia, Social Class Pornography, Vintage Underwear Studies
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Lawrence Olivier and Julie Christie. Okay, we’re talking 50 years ago, but the imagination knows no boundaries, does it?
Will your book be self-published or sold through a publisher?
I’m not sure. I probably should check out the wonderful world of self-publishing, but publishers do provide more exposure, so to speak, and my book is all about exposing things. I’ll probably try a publisher first.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
The short story that inspired the longer work took about a week to finish, but the ideas kept flowing until I just knew I had to keep going with this project. I expect a few months for the novella. Yet in another a sense, I’ve been writing this in my head since I first started watching Masterpiece Theatre on Channel 13 back in my Washington, D.C. youth.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Fanny Hill. Tipping the Velvet. Autobiography of a Flea.
What inspired you to write this book?
Victorian porn and Downton Abbey. Or rather what they don’t show on Downton Abbey.
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Have you ever wondered what those starchy English empire-makers really did when they retired to their bedrooms in the evening? The lessons the gentleman brought back from Paris to gently instruct their wives in exotic pleasures? The perverted ways pampered ladies kept their jaded husbands satisfied within the hearth and home? Read this novella and discover the possibilities!
While you’re waiting for my new novella, check out Amorous Woman and Ageless Erotica.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Your Sexual Future is Bright, Baby!
Sexually explicit writing? Yawn. You can find it all over the internet these days, and most of it is bad. Rehashed cliches, fronted by grinning, big-breasted blondes and nude male torsos etched in steroids. But the real sexual revolution is still only just beginning. And I mean honest, thoughtful--and still very hot--writing about real sex, which is always more magical and transporting than any warmed-over fantasy.
That's why I'm so excited to be part of Ageless Erotica, edited by Joan Price, the diva of life-long sexual pleasure. My story, "Invitation to Lunch," keeps company with a stellar list of eroticists, including Cheyenne Blue, Bill Noble, D.L. King, I.G. Frederick, Kate Dominic, Robin Sampson, Susan St. Aubin, and more, baby, many more!
I'll be posting an excerpt soon as the celebration of a life of luscious sex continues! Stay tuned....
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Future Path for New Erotica Writers?
Happy President's Day! What better occasion to contemplate the future of erotica writing for new authors? I got my start publishing my first stories in online under the guidance of wonderful editors at Clean Sheets, Scarlet Letters and Oysters and Chocolate. All have now faded into free-speech history. (Only The Erotic Woman remains, but they're still awesome). Check out this month's column at The Erotica Readers and Writers Association, "The Death of the Erotica Webzine."
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Hear About the Romantic Rambler?
Today I'm the featured guest at Sharon Kleve's Romantic Ramblings. Sharon and are I both in the Passionate Cooks cookbook (it's free!), so it's a pleasure to keep company with someone who loves good writing and good food. I also talk about an interesting book I'm reading, Wired for Story, by Lisa Cron, which discusses how and why readers are drawn to stories. It's more psychological than physiological, but definitely fascinating. Enjoy!
Friday, January 18, 2013
"Safe" Sex in Trouble and "The Naughty Chair"
It's the Friday before a much-needed holiday (two weeks is TOO long to go without a festive break), and the fun is beginning already. First Giselle Renarde reviews my story "The Naughty Chair" which appears in Alison Tyler's forthcoming The Big Book of Bondage. Let me say Giselle knows how to rub a writer in just the right way.
I've also posted a new column at ERWA, "The Trouble with 'Safe' Sex," which was inspired by an xoJane article on Lena Dunham's audacity is insisting an "imperfect" woman has the right to enjoy her sexuality. I argue that we seek the same "safety" in our depiction of sex as only existing between partners who meet our social standards of attractiveness. What do you think we're hiding from?
I've also posted a new column at ERWA, "The Trouble with 'Safe' Sex," which was inspired by an xoJane article on Lena Dunham's audacity is insisting an "imperfect" woman has the right to enjoy her sexuality. I argue that we seek the same "safety" in our depiction of sex as only existing between partners who meet our social standards of attractiveness. What do you think we're hiding from?
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Something New, Something Naughty Blog Hop
What are your naughty plans for the New Year? At the top of my to-do list is putting together a collection of popular favorites and brand-new sexy stories set in Japan due out this year with Iro Books. When Lisabet Sarai and Jennifer Wright invited authors to participate in the Something New, Something Naughty Blog Hop, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to whet your appetite with a tantalizing excerpt from one of the stories in the collection.
But that’s not the only treat I’ll be serving up today. The New Year is one of the most important festivals in the Japanese calendar. The whole country closes down for a few days while families gather together to feast on special good luck foods such as ozoni, a delicate seafood soup with grilled rice cakes. Unmarried children also receive red envelopes with money called otoshidama. In keeping with the spirit of generosity, your hostesses for the Something New, Something Naughty Blog Hop will be giving away special prizes. The Grand Prize is a $60 gift certificate to EdensFantasys. Two other winners will receive a $25 gift certificate to their choice of the following book sites: Amazon, All Romance eBooks, Barnes & Noble, or Total-E-Bound.
And I will be giving away one of my ebooks—your choice of Amorous Woman or The Mammoth Book of Erotica Presents the Best of Donna George Storey. All you have to do to be eligible to win is leave a comment on this post or at any of the other blogs listed below. The more blogs you visit, the better your chance to win!
And now, please enjoy a steaming bowl of ozoni and some spiced New Year’s sake, while I share an excerpt from my story, “Spring Pictures,” about an American bar hostess who receives a book of traditional Japanese erotic prints from a shy client. Drawn into the timeless sensuality of the pictures, Anna and her admirer, Kimura, decide to recreate the print below in a room at a romantic country inn in the mountains north of Tokyo. Sensuality, voyeurism, and new love all play a part in this naughty scene.
Anna’s body took on a strange languor as she knelt before the old-fashioned mirror stand—for that is where Kimura placed the futon—and set the book down. He knelt behind her and eased the robe over her shoulders, arranging it at her waist.
“Now fix your hair. Like the girl in the picture.”
Anna raised her arms and grabbed two thick ponytails of honey brown hair in each hand. The pose stretched and lifted her breasts, as if she were offering them--not to him, exactly, but to someone waiting in a mirror world beyond.
“Now, how was the man touching her?” Kimura pulled one side of the robe open like a curtain and began to tease her curls.
“I smell your fragrance, Anna,” he whispered. “I could smell you when you were showing me the book. A most joyous perfume. I worried you thought I was nothing but an old fool. My English is too poor to say the things in my heart. My dream, Anna-chan, is to meet in a place where we don’t need words.” His finger inched closer to her clit. “Senzuri they called it in the old days. A thousand rubs. Do you think it will take a thousand tonight?”
She moaned and swayed back against him. Kimura wasn’t impotent. The evidence was pressing into the cleft of her ass. If only he would touch her breasts, too. The starched cotton robe the inn provided had been chafing her sensitive nipples all evening. They needed soothing with hands and lips. But that wasn’t in the picture.
And neither was the maid, now standing in the doorway with a tray in her hands.
With a yelp of surprise, Anna crumpled forward, scrambling to cover herself with her robe.
“You asked for more tea, sir?” The maid’s voice was as cool as a mountain stream....
A happy, healthy, and creative 2013 to you! Be sure to visit check out these exciting new and naughty authors below and leave a comment on their blogs--I hope you win a prize!
Thursday, January 03, 2013
Are You a "Real" Writer?
The New Year energy continues today with my guest appearance at the wonderful erotica writers' blog, "Oh Get a Grip." This week's theme is "a letter to myself," and I decided to write to my younger selves, who wanted to be a writer but weren't sure I had the qualities to succeed by the conventional definition. Now that I am older, wiser, and have 150 publications on my resume, my definition of a "real" writer has changed and matured. I'd be curious what you think!
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
A New Year, A New Look at my New Book!
Happy New Year and best wishes for a happy, healthy and creative 2013! I'm starting off the year by joining in a popular writer's activity of 2012: The Next Big Thing Blog Hop. I was tagged by Emily Jane Trent, who appears with me in the very sexy and slinky Vixotica: Sexy Short Stories by Best-Selling Erotica Authors. Emily is the author of the Masquerade Series, a five-part tale which starts with Passion Unleashed and ends with Passion Embraced. Although it was first published in paperback in 2008, I am very proud of my beautiful new ebook version of Amorous Woman which was released this past autumn. The blog hop gave me an opportunity to share some information--including a few new secrets--about my book.
What is the title of your book?
Amorous Woman
What inspired your book?
I spent several years living in Japan in the early 1980s. Immersion is such a different and fascinating culture made a deep impression on me. Amorous Woman is not completely autobiographical, but the sensual memories and the yearning to become closer to Japan are very much my own. Of course, my greatest inspiration was the many wonderful people I met in Japan: friends, boyfriends, mentors, courteous strangers.
How would you classify it in terms of genre?
Literary erotica.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Ken Watanabe as Kimura. Emma Stone as Lydia.
Give us a short synopsis of your book.
It’s about an American woman's sexual awakening in Japan as she tests the limits of love and sensual pleasure. She almost always gets an A on the test.
Can you tell us about the publisher?
The new ebook version is with Iro Books, the erotica line of Stonebridge Press. If you have an erotica manuscript set in Asia, send it to them!
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I’d been wanting to tell the story since the 1980’s, but when I was commissioned to write a book for Orion’s Neon erotica line in 2005, I finally had the chance to write it down. I spent about six months writing intensely for the deadline—and I made it! Thanks to too many cases of diet Snapple....
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
It’s not unlike Memoirs of a Geisha with more sex. Lots more sex.
Describe an ideal setting for enjoying your book.
I suggest you take a long soak in a hot tub, then wrap yourself in a silk kimono and lounge on a futon (or bed) with a flask of sake and some sushi by your side. Soft koto music is good accompaniment, although I listened obsessively to Tupac’s “All Eyez on Me” as I was writing the novel, so that’s an authentic alternative.
If I read your book, what’s in it for me?
My novel will take you on an intimate trip to a Japan few tourists ever see for much less than a plane ticket to Tokyo. I’m talking threesomes, orgies, pornographic comics come to life, passionate affairs with married men, true love and descriptions of Japanese feasts to make your mouth water. Believe me, it’s a bargain.
The Q&A is over, so what are you waiting for? Pick up a copy of Amorous Woman for your e-reader right now. If you’re looking for more delicious erotica to satisfy your appetite, check out these new works by some wonderful erotica writers:
Kristina Wright's Best Erotic Romance 2013 with a wonderful story by the very poetic Erobintica.
Lisabet Sarai's Coming Together In Vein, an anthology of sexy vampire tales. Lisabet is a true master of our genre.
Emerald embodies the spirit of sex-positive warmth and wisdom and her latest publication appears in the Mischief anthology, Too Fast For Love.
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