Maybe your mom said that. Or a wise uncle. Maybe you read it in a book of aphorisms (what are aphorisms anyway?). But whoever said that is wrong. At least right here, right now.
Because I'm giving away books for free. That's right. You don't have to enter a contest, or answer a question, or write a flasher or take of your clothes and actually flash someone. All you have to do is email me here at the North Pole and say "Give it to me, baby." I'll send you the book(s) of your choice in order of request received, no postage and handling required. Unless you live outside of the US, and then I'll need postage. (Hey, I've got two kids to put through college).
That voice is still nagging you though. What's in it for her? A whole bookshelf of free space, that's what. These are extra copies I've collected for one reason or another. The books are all awesome erotica collections and I'd never part with my two copies of each (mom's legacy), but hey, I don't really need three copies, right? But you might want to take a look for your own pleasure or simply to research erotica in the mid-golden age. So here's the list and remember, all you have to do is email me at donna@donnageorgestorey.com telling me which books you want and where to send them--first come, first served--and they'll be on their way well before Christmas. Btw, these babies all make great stocking stuffers.
Ho, ho, ho!
Best Women's Erotica 2005 (edited by Marcy Sheiner)
Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 4
Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 5
Mile High Club: Plane Sex Stories
Naughty or Nice: Christmas Erotica
Foreign Affairs: Erotic Travel Tales
Bottoms Up
He's on Top
Your continued cleaning continues to inspire me, Donna! And lovely to see your delicious-looking gingerbread house again regardless of time of year. :)
You know, this cleaning is happening at many different levels for me, so I can't really say the spiritual and material are so different or opposite after all! And it's cool to be just giving something rather than the absurd "I'm doing this to get something" mind set of book promoting. It was always foreign to me and this feels really good to step back from it! It's almost time to start baking my new houses....
Funny, but we just did a little giving away this week too!
And I like the way you're doing the give away. Very much how we did it.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: You're cool.
Oh, and I forgot to say that my verification word (in the previous reply was: noellin.)
Those clever spam word gods.
Now my word is matherat.
Where's the matherat?
And now I'll shut up.
What a great idea, Donna! Love it :) Might have to do it myself when I finally unpack all the boxes from my move!
And I agree with Emerald - that gingerbread house is fantastic!
Oooh, your house and spirtual cleaning has lead to divesting. What a fantastic and very generous idea!
p.s. I too love that ginger bread house too.
lovely idea..:-)
did you made teh ginger bread house yourself? i will make one this year with my godsons for the first time..i hope it will turn out nicely..:-)
I love the label you attached to this post—and I agree with it wholeheartedly!
My spamword is boropork. Now, I'm a vegetarian, but I hear the best sausages are in Brooklyn.
Thank you, Scarlett and Neve--I mean, I do love the idea of sharing good erotica and giving it a good home. Hmm, lots of home and house imagery in this blog post and I didn't even really plan that. Maybe I am gearing up to write again?
Yes, Danielle, naturally I made the house myself. The windows are melted butterscotch disks, btw, a great trick. It takes longer than you might think to do all of it--make the pattern, bake and let the pieces age a day or two, first level construction, then decoration. The kids did the roof, that's when they went wild. And the eating of the house was a crazy party, too. Have fun with your guys!
I hear they have the best cheesecake in Brooklyn, too, Jeremy. What a "boro" it is!
Ha! I'm so behind in everything - I bet these are all taken already - oh well. I know what I want for Christmas - but I doubt Santa will be bringing it - hahaha.
Christmas in October is brilliant! I'm already getting so exciting about this years festivities. Hope you don't mind but I've been reading over you're blog and think its great. I'm writing from a company called LoveHoney and id love to get in touch with you about up coming events/products of ours that i think you might be interested in. We have loads of Chritmas stuff and even more arriving soon that you might like!
If you're interested just send your email address to me (harriet.handley@lovehoney.co.uk) and i can keep you updated,
I look forward to hearing from you,
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