The theme is Freedom Sex in honor of Independence Day and I'll be remotely purring an excerpt from my story "Suit and Tie" first published in She's on Top, edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. Temp receptionist Megan finds relief from the bureaucratic grind through "self-pleasuring" breaks, but when her boss walks in on her one day (it's one of those co-ed restrooms in a suite and naturally she forgot to lock the door), the tables turn and she starts calling the shots. Yet, the erotic life being what it is, boss Steve discovers bondage brings its own special form of liberation.
If you happen to be wandering through Hustler Hollywood on Wednesday, July 8 around 8 pm PDT, do stop in to hear some hot erotica writers reading sizzling sex scenes, including yours truly! Oh, and if you want to know what I'll be wearing, no need to leave it to the imagination. I'll be donning my favorite erotica-writing outfit pictured above. It always helps to dress the part.
That picture just makes me want to go put on a corset!!
I love "Suit and Tie" — those In the Flesh patrons are really in for a treat! Have a lovely reading. :)
Thanks, Emerald! Corsets are great, but I recommend the Hello Kitty thong, too!
Awesome, Donna.
I know you'll make a great presence at the show, even over the phone!
You look very cute! Love the mix of garments! Good musculature!
The reading is going to be awesome. You'll just start with that voice of yours and blow them all away.
donna..is there a phrase in that story like "i call it the year of the suits"..or a similar sentence???
That picture is so terrific!!
And what a treat for the ITF:LA attendees! Your brilliant, sensuous prose and your smooth, sexy delivery are such a deliciously powerful combination.
And Stan and Jolene are so great. Wish I could be there!
I like the eclectic collage-style lingerie look, ER. It often leads to multiple inspirations ;-).
Yes, Danielle, that's the story, the Year of the Suits. My summers at the IRS and Child Support Enforcement Agency scarred me for life in terms of office sex. Can't resist the chance to write a story about it!
Jeremy, I wish we could all be there. An erotica writers' conference in LA! Or maybe Gettysburg?
Have fun Donna. I'm not familiar with the story - I will have to read it.
Oh, and I vote for Gettysburg!
Donna, I love the picture! Wow! Wish I could hear the reading! Yes, I vote for Gettysburg, too!
Well, then, Gettysburg it is! And I'll be bringing my pecan cookies and maybe the corset, too ;-).
The superhero of smut, I love it Gina Marie :-). You should have seen me back when I was doing thirty plank push-ups and using the eight pound free weights. Damn neck injury set me back, but that might be a good thing in the end. Even Erotica Woman looks better with a bit of softness, lol.
PS--thank you all for commenting. When you put up an almost-nekkid pichur of yurself, you (okay, I, not "my friend" end up feeling, well, naked. Thanks for jumping in the hot tub with me.
You could be reading the phone book and I would get wood. But in fact, your prose is delightful and scintillating.
Thank you A-Ray. Writers labor in loneliness most of the time, so words of support from highly discerning readers is always a treat ;-).
oh no..i cant believe it donna..thing is..ah i will tell you private..its too fucking unbelievable..lol
You have got a rocking body, woman! Jesus. Maybe you should spend less time alone sitting at a computer and more like, in front of the camera taking on linda hamilton circa T-2 roles, only with more sexuality to them. Good for you! And have a great time at the reading.
Thanks, Susan, lol! I am getting the urge to fly around the city seeking out people suffering from distress of the erotic imagination. Super-Erotica-Writer to the rescue!
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