The recipe calls for optional dried fruit, but since I have kids they vetoed that and I've never tried it. Also, I use a high quality almond paste I order from King Arthur Flour (which also sells an Italian-style flour that makes exquisite pizza crust and a great Tahitian vanilla). But I have made it with the brand available in my supermarket and it doesn't suffer much.
Almond Tea Cake
(8 servings)
3/4 cup (7-8 oz on a scale) Love ‘n’ Bake almond paste (other brands are okay)
3/4 cup sugar
1 stick (4 oz.) butter, softened
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup flour
1 Tablespoon vanilla (Tahitian preferred)
1/4 cup dried cherries or dried apricots, optional
powdered sugar as garnish
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Whirl almond paste in a food processor with 1/4 cup sugar until fluffy.
In a mixing bowl cream butter with the rest of the sugar and beat until fluffy.
Add almond paste and beat until well mixed.
Beat in the eggs one at a time. Add vanilla.
Scrape the bowl, then fold in the baking powder and flour
Fold in the dry fruit, if using
Spread the batter in a greased 8” cake pan lined with a round of parchment or waxed paper on the bottom.
Bake for 30-35 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. (My slow oven takes about 42 minutes).
Cool on a rack about five minutes, then run a thin knife around the edge, turn over onto a rack, remove from pan and cool completely.
Dust with powdered sugar to serve.
Sit back and enjoy the compliments!
Moist is always good, and that looks absolutely delicious!
moist is the word i love the most when its in the same sentence with the word cake!!!!:-)
I can always tell when a chef has used King Arthur flour, because the resulting dish talks like Richard Burton.
Oooh, this sounds good, Donna. I'm a gonna try it for sure.
This sounds wonderful. And just so you know, I love the word, moist. Mo-ist. Hmmm...it connotates sumptuous flavor and I want to lick my fingers. Yum!
Then I scrolled down and read Jeremy's comment and I can't stop giggling.
Thank you, Donna. :-)
oh, this sounds sooooo yummy!
Wish I could have you all over for a taste. It is pretty yummy--great texture and flavor and one piece really satisfies. Perfect on its own or it could be a very upscale basis for a berry shortcake. (I have no financial interest in the almond paste company, btw).
And now I understand why King Arthur Flour is so exceptional, Jeremy!
Wow, I don't even like almond flavor, but that picture looks delectable! And your talk of vanilla made me hungry once again (not sure if your food talk has ever not made me hungry) for something sweet and delightful. ;)
@ emerald
i totally love the taste of vanilla too
i while ago i made a sald with shrimps, green asperagus and, here comes the twist, vanilla-oil...awsomely delicious
and i really have to try donnas almond cake..because i totally love almond taste..:-)
Well, Emerald, I've just made a batch of my vanilla spoon cookies, so maybe those will be a good substitute? My son requested them for his birthday and they need to age a few days to be at peak flavor. I use Tahitian vanilla for those, too.
Danielle, vanilla oil on shrimp sounds incredibly seductive. Wow. Did you make the oil or can you buy this? There's a vanilla sale at King Arthur's now. Might have to go replenish the stock!
@ donna
whats the word whats the word???..just spoke with shanna about this recipe the other day...
i made the oil myself by scratching out that black vanilla stuff out of a vanilla bean?..i put it into the oil for two days so the oil absorbed the whole vanilla taste and et voila..vanilla oil..if you guys really want me to i ll make the salad again in a days and post recipe and pictures...:-)
maybe all of us food people should put together a cook book..:-)
Oh, Danielle, please do make the salad and post food porn photos--I really want you to!
Now, what kind of oil do you use for this--a neutral canola type? I usually use olive oil, but this seems like it needs a bland base.
We should do a cookbook. Certainly a collection of the two blog food parties and then anything else anyone wants to add in. Sounds like a great project! Intersperse it with erotica?
okay..you wish and you should/will recive...food porn in the making..:-)
yes its a bland base you need for this oil:-)..which is rare in my house since i usually use olive oil all the time..well..not when i cook in the wok but for salads i almost always use olive oil..well..i f i dont youse grape seed oil...hm..i just noticed that i use all kinds of oil..lol
yay an erotic cookbook..like recipes and little sexy stories about the incredients or events where lust, sex and taste/food came together..?...i m sure everyone would add something awsome and fitting..:-)
spam word is gangedb..GANG-edb..thats a sign!!!..lol
I am going to go out and get some vanilla beans and a good oil and make some of this - wow Danielle - thanks!
My mind is just buzzing with stuff to make using vanilla oil. I'm wondering if it would work with walnut oil (though I have trouble finding that anymore - for awhile Trader Joe's had it). OH! Make it with all different oils! Vanilla olive, vanilla grapeseed, vanilla almond, vanilla......
And an erotic cookbook does sound delectable.
@ robin i love your ..uhm*..i wish i had a word for it but my sad& poor english dont spits out what i want..i love that you have the spirit for " i get up and get me some oils and try it right now"..thats a wonderful thing and totally makes me smile:-)
i ll post that recipe during the next days and hope you will love it!!
i also have another recipe similar "exotic" i ll soon wanna share..
and , donna..the erotic cookbook..i totally love the idea ..a sexy food baby..hehe*
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