Okay, I'll admit it, I check my
Amorous Woman Amazon page fairly regularly. Not exactly every day, but several times a week. Sometimes I'm checking for a new review. Sometimes I'm checking if the "2 copies remaining (more on the way)" has shifted to "in stock." Sometimes I'm trying to confirm the apparent trend of more sales on Friday night than any other day of the week. Today I clicked over to Amazon, typed in my title and all I got was Ihara Saikaku's
The Life of an Amorous Woman. I tried my own name. My academic translation popped up, but no
Amorous Woman. I tried
the link I use for sales of the book and yes, there I was. My book is in stock, my numbers far lower than many that show up readily with a title or author search. But unless a potential buyer clicks through from my link, I'm invisible. I've written Amazon about this, but it's very scary and frustrating for an author to be wiped off of Amazon. It reminds me of the early days right after official publication, when my book wasn't really available here at all. Talk about feeling impotent.
On the other hand, perhaps the universe is sending me a message? Stop promoting your old book! This coupled with news that a Zoetrope colleague has landed a two-book deal makes me stop and think--what
am I doing? I should be writing. Seriously and obsessively. That's what I really want to be doing. Not that I'll ever get a two-book deal with a print publisher, but I at least want to say I tried my best, no regrets.
Is this my big, fat kick in the pants?
yes! you are a brilliant writer! so write!
(I know I know, do as I say, not as I...)
so--who got the deal? e me.
Odd. That's like when I was trying to find "Do Not Disturb" in order to post my review. It didn't show up on the search. I finally clicked through a link. Then I noticed that it showed up if I made sure the little Amazon button was clicked to show books. I just did a test. If it's not set for "Books" neither DND or AW show up. Don't have time to test other books.
Anyhow. Do write. That's what I spent my day doing. Though as soon as I finish a story I start worrying. Hahaha.
Wow, that is so bizarre! I just checked and as you say, it doesn't show up. If I click on the link from my review page though, it shows up.
Heh... maybe it is saying something. What is up with Amazon????
But you writing another book of the quality of Amorous Woman wouldn't be too shabby either. :D
You should always look in "Books" when you are searching for books. I'd take a screen shot of what you found. I just looked for it - it didn't come up in the first page of a general search, but was first when I then clicked on books. For my books, I've made an Amazon "bibliography" and just saved that page to favorites as my Amazon profile page so I can scan multiple book sales at one glance. But, um, I will admit I do it multiple times a day. I'm a little too addicted to that site.
Write! Right!
You know I want you out there writing.
I hope it all sorts out with Amazon...
But get to writing!
Thank you so much, everyone, for the support and advice. It really helps that some one is rooting for me.
Robin and Rachel, thanks SO much. Yes "books" does turn up Amorous Woman, but a general search used to do it. I feel demoted.
The bibliography sounds like a good idea with so many books to follow. At least you know the pleasure of four digit sales! (Of course, I enjoy participating as a contributor).
Ack, that must have been such an uncomfortable feeling! :( Robin makes a good point about the "Books" category; I seem to recall noticing that before with other books, so I generally don't search for books on Amazon without going to the "Books" section first.
It seems to me that if the idea of that message occurred to you, that may be significant. My invitation would be to take a deep breath. Then do (/be) as you are moved....
Big hug!
I found your book no problem! Another thing I wanted to say is that Amorous Woman came out in May of 2008 - so yeah, it's time to move on to the next book. (I believe you already have, so keep at it.) As for me, I don't even think about Iridescence anymore. Also, don't get jealous about your colleagues two book deal. Instead, focus on yourself and reaching your goals.
Emerald, you are so right. I know that my reactions to these events are a way of getting in touch with what I really want. If I need to twist it around to an external sign from the universe, fine, just figure out what's best for me.
And Jolie, I'm not exactly jealous of the person, who is a wonderful writer and deserves the success, I'm disappointed with myself for procrastinating out of...probably fear. But thank you for helping with the perspective. I'm hoping I won't think much of Amorous Woman very soon--it sounds liberating :-).
I think you could definitely get a two-book deal with a print publisher - but definitely not by saying you can't! I speak from failed personal experience that when you think you can't, you won't, in my case, even after you have a deal.
There are lots of great publishers out there, such as Black Lace, Harlequin Spice, Aphrodisia, some of the other erotic romance imprints, etc. Write it, and they will come...I mean, obviously, that may not be true, but still.
I also don't know how much Amazon numbers correspond to hard sales numbers. It's like this ongoing mystery.
Mind you, all of this easier said than done - I check Amazon all the time, and today discovered that they aren't even posting the sales ranks with most of my books!
Hi Donna,
I'm not sure what this fear is based on.....
I guess it's easy for me to focus on myself, be proud of what I do, and reach for my goals because I can easily tune out all the chatter. I don't have a lot of people "talking" around me - and I like it that way. I can sit in my lovely office and stare at my beautiful garden in silence. Plus, like you, I have a very supportive family.
Rock on!
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