Thursday, April 30, 2009

If These Walls Could Talk...

Our auditeur sharing circle continues today with a tasty tidbit from Craig Sorensen, who always delivers ear-pleasing prose that resonates with emotional authenticity. I have to say I really enjoy hosting these casual salons. I feel like I should be handing around cookies and sherry--maybe I'll go whip up a batch of pecan bars anyway?--while we read our work aloud, lounging on Indian print pillows, our sighs and murmurs of approval only adding to the enchantment of sounds.

Maybe some day my fantasy will come true?

Until then we can enjoy this snippet which comes from a piece entitled "Through the Ranks." I think it's an excellent example of the pleasures of compare-and-contrast. If taste tests can help you appreciate the qualities of cinnamon or chocolate, why not sex?

And now, here's Craig:

I kissed Isabelle’s full lips gently, savored the nape of her slender neck. In the next room, a pounding akin to John Bonham playing a drum solo was in full swing.

Seemed the louder they got, the softer we became. I looked in Isabelle’s eyes to see if I could find a bit of the jealousy I felt. She was so quiet, so intense. I traced the folds in her ear with my tongue. When I held her body tight, I could feel her pulse rush. She moaned into my mouth when I introduced my tongue after long, massaging closed lip kisses.

She eased my shirt over my head.

The rhythmic pounding of the headboard in the next room was accompanied by throaty moans, approaching crescendo. Isabelle and I lay on the bed and stared into each other’s eyes. My cock was only semi-hard. Given the beauty of the woman by me I felt inadequate. The rhythmic pounding grew louder. The image of Jeanette’s body, the song of her joy, her passion became more consuming.

My cock grew to full hardness.

Isabelle unbuckled my belt and pulled down my pants. We resumed kissing, and I stroked the front of her silk panties, then dipped down to her soft pubic hair. She reached in my boxers and cupped my hard on. When I dipped a finger into her she released only her second moan.

Her body was like a jeweler’s safe, responding ever so slightly to the turning dial. I began to comprehend her silence, and tried to find new means to divine a third moan – let the tumblers announce another magic spot.

I peeled her baby doll kissing every inch of her skin until I settled between her parted thighs. We took turns, nestled in pillows atop the freshly stripped bed, one sprawled across the bed while the other knelt and feasted until the wild moans and thumps next door abated.


Erobintica said...

Wow - this is cool - and so full of mystery - who's Jeanette? - is she on the other side of the wall?

And I loved this line - Her body was like a jeweler’s safe, responding ever so slightly to the turning dial.Thanks Craig!

neve black said...

Ooooh, I'm auditorally(?)aroused! I seriously have shivers running down my spine after reading this delectable piece of auditeur ambrosia.

"...Her body was like a jeweler’s safe, responding ever so slightly to the turning dial. I began to comprehend her silence, and tried to find new means to divine a third moan – let the tumblers announce another magic spot...."

That was simply gorgeous, Craig.

Donna, you always have such wonderful guests and great food. I brought my sleeping bag. I may stay for awhile. :-)

Donna said...

Hmmm, yes, the jeweler's safe with all of those emeralds inside! Please have another cookie, Neve, and yes, bring out the sleeping bags. We'll make cocoa and tell more stories ;-).

Craig Sorensen said...

Donna, thank you for letting me join in on one of my favorite topics. The sexiness of sound. I always love joining in on your topics!

Robin, thank you for your comments. I hope to get "Through the Ranks" published soon so that those mysteries can be revealed.

Hi Neve. What high praise that it gave you shivers! Yes, I agree, just find me a spot where I can roll out my sleeping bag and devour some of those fine cookies!

Donna said...

Thank YOU, Craig. Maybe you'd like to play us a tune on your guitar, too, in honor of the topic?

I'm sure "Through the Ranks" will find a home and then those auditory mysteries will be solved!

Marina said...

Craig - everyone already commented on my favorite line! (Her body was like a jeweler’s safe...let the tumblers announce another magic spot.) Just a masterful auditory description! A beautiful piece - you really captured the couple's desire and the response to the sounds of the others.

OK Donna - I'm ready for my cocoa and a cookie! More stories, please! And, I definitely want to hear Craig play guitar!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I was going to point out how great the jeweler's safe line was.
Hell, I still will: That jeweler's safe line was great, Craig!
Great story all around. Thanks for sharing this. Donna!

Jeremy Edwards said...

You know what I'm going to say ... JEWELER'S SAFE! Seriously, one of the best extended erotic metaphors I've ever seen.

Beautiful excerpt, Craig.

Thanks for another delectable experience, Donna!

Craig Sorensen said...

Thank you all so much! It's great that the "jeweler's safe" metaphor resonated.