"Having been turned on to the pleasures of sex by her female cousin, Lydia takes a job in Japan and falls in love with the country as well as the men who live there. However, her marriage to salaryman Yuji quickly begins to lose its luster when she discovers they can’t have children, and eventually she finds herself embarking on a string of affairs before taking a job in a hostess bar. And all the time, she is haunted by the erotic spectre of the fantasy man she created in her mind as a teenager to guide her sensual pleasure, and whose flesh-and-blood form she seems to be seeking among the older men to whom she is inevitably attracted…
Like her heroine, Donna George Storey has lived and worked in Japan and this, her first novel, is a perfect example of writing about what you know. Not only are Lydia’s adventures lusciously and erotically described, so is the Land of the Rising Sun itself. As for Lydia, she follows the well-trodden path of expanding her sexual experience via same-sex trysts, threesomes and bondage, but there’s a freshness to the descriptions and a coming to terms with her needs and desires which lifts her beyond the two-dimensional. A highly enjoyable read. E.C."
Here, I'll get a glass for you and we can all toast UK Forum and amorous women and highly enjoyable reads! Kampai!
Happy day
Elizabeth has great taste! :)
Thanks David and Craig!
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