This weekend, I have roaring good news to share with you on official blog day. Valentine's Day is tomorrow, bringing not just just chocolates and flowers, but the release of an awesome new erotica anthology, The Cougar Book, edited by Jolie du Pre.
Today I'm interviewed over at the Logical-Lust blog, with some insights into the inspiration for my creamy story, "Comfort Food." It's all about the power of pudding to heal and arouse. Butterscotch pudding, rice pudding and the chef's special pudding. Recipe included. And I have to say the condom on the cover of the book is also especially appropriate for my story!
So stop on by with your spoon in hand and leave a comment if you're in the mood!
I just left a comment over yonder ... but I wanted to add here how cool it is to think that I've been annually celebrating your birthday since long before I knew you. (But now I always think of you on 12/31.)
Thanks for the lovely comment, Jeremy. And yes, you have been joining me in toasting my birthday for many years before we met :-). I used to hate my birthday (cause all my friends were visiting grandma and I couldn't have a party), but now I really like it that the world is celebrating!
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