Yes, we're going to New York, New York and I've got plenty of fun things planned, both formal and informal, but if you happen to be in the city next week, you can catch me reading from my steamy novel at the following venues:
Thursday, October 16, 8:00 PM
In the Flesh Erotica Reading Series
Happy Ending Lounge
302 Broome Street, NYC
Friday, October 17, 7:00 PM
Amorous Women in the Big Apple with Robin Slick
Bluestockings Book Store
172 Allen Street between Stanton and Rivington
Sunday, October 19 at 6:00 pm
Kinokuniya Book Store
1073 Avenue of the Americas between 40th and 41st Streets
Be there or be square, baby!
I'm going to have my hands full, keeping that Lydia out of trouble. Have you alerted the police force? I predict a complete upheaval among the local menfolk when she hits town. Perhaps you should employ a personal bouncer.
I know, it will be trouble. Usually women complain all the good men are married, but that's never stopped Lydia, and we know sex is the favorite escape in hard economic times, so it could be crazy out there!
Know any burly guys or girls to help?
Have an awesome time, Ladies!
EllaRegina, don't try to hard to keep Lydia out of trouble. I'm expecting lovely, kinky stories of her adventures in the Big Apple.
P.S. My verification work is fzfurx. Not sure what it means, but it sounds kind of nasty. May your journey be full of fzfurx.
Fzfurx? Definitely intriguing. If I were the type of writer who liked games and prompts, I'd be tempted to run a contest and the best fzfurx erotic story, lol.
Oooh, I wish I could be there. I grew up on Lawng Island and love the city. Sounds like lots of fun! Can't wait to hear about your exploits there.
Hi Donna..I'll be at your final reading in NYC! So glad to meet you!
Martha Garvey
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