It’s here--what you’ve all been waiting for! My podcast of a very steamy excerpt from Amorous Woman is up on my Web site (along with a few other updates). Now you can hear Lydia speak, whispering her naughty secrets in your ear, just as she did to me two summers ago when I wrote down her story.
Come on, don’t you want to hear me talk dirty in Japanese?
Enjoyed that very much! You have a great and sultry radio voice. Also your IQ somehow comes through. ;-) Can you rig a weekly podcast? I bet your readers would be avid listeners...
Yeah, you're so good!! As a reading voice, you would seduce me even if you were reading, like, the phone book. As it is, the combination of your voice and your sensational erotica is a super-potent cocktail!
You really have a gift for bringing the words to life. I think you could make a living as a voice actor! Your "naughty Japanese girl" was terrific.
You could definitely have a career as an audio book reader. You have the perfect voice for reading erotic text. :)
I totally love the book by the way.
Thank you, thank you so much everyone! I've been kind of...down about my treatment as a trashy hoe by the booksellers of the Bay Area and it's good to know I can do something sort of right, lol.
MB, I am absolutely thrilled you like the book, because I know you know ;-)
And Craig, I like the new pic.
Jeremy and EllaR--well, you know how much I love you. Can't wait for our threesome in NYC in October. The Lonely Onanista meets The Erotic Elf meets the Trashy Hoe of the East Bay. My windows are steaming at the thought!
So I was just beginning this exact part of the book the day you posted this, so I put off listening to it until I'd already read it. :) Such a beautiful reading voice you have! Thanks!!
By the way, do I correctly infer from your comment, Donna, that you're planning to be at October's In the Flesh in New York?? I'm looking into trying to make the trip myself, and if you (and Jeremy and EllaRegina!) are going to be there, that certainly further amps my motivation to make it work!!
Woo hoo, Emerald! Yes, I will be there. It would be an awesome party if you could make it and read with me!
I am looking forward to this trip--just booked my ticket, October 13-20.
Yep, I'll be there (in the audience this time)!
We want Emerald! We want Emerald! We want Emerald!
YES! We want Emerald! We want Emerald! We want Emerald!
Matter of fact, I'm going to be there (in the audience) too.
Come on along, Emerald!
Matter of fact, I'm going to be there (in the audience) too.
Ahem. Pardon me. I meant, uh ...
Splendid—how pleasant it shall be for so many of us to be together.
Oh my you guys made me blush (still am)! I am so excited -- my partner and I have worked out the basic details so that we're planning to come to New York too!! I can't wait to meet you guys!!
Okay, this is going to be good. Dinner, reading and an after-performance cocktail?
Ella, any suggestions for restaurants worthy of this gathering of august erotica writers?
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