Then I make an appearance in the charming Ashley Lister’s column, “Between the Sheets”…oops, I mean, "Between the Lines." I talk about getting past first base, passionate getaways at country inns, theft, adultery, secrets of novel-writing and other topics pertinent to the writing life.
Finally, I review a fascinating book about the notorious knife-wielding geisha, Abe Sada, made famous in the West by Nagisa Oshima’s art film, In the Realm of the Senses. Read my take on Geisha, Harlot, Strangler, Star: A Woman, Sex and Morality in Modern Japan by William Johnston right here.
A Happy—and Sizzling Hot—August to you all!
I loved your ERWA column for this month (and no pun intended). I also am all about the importance of love -- very cool article!
Regarding your interview with Ashley, this may sound funny, but when I read this line: "During those six months, I ate, slept (though not much) and breathed Lydia and her erotic dalliances," the immediate response that came to me was that that didn't surprise me at all -- when I was reading it, I could tell.
"A lot of people ask me this question and I don’t want to rule it out, but to be honest, Lydia told me she wanted to pursue her affairs with the software engineers of Silicon Valley without me nosing around in her business."
That made me laugh out loud!
Thanks for all the ERWA loveliness!
Hey Emerald,
Thank you as always for your thoughts! I really do think love shows through in everything we do and a writer owes her reader love and attention for the gift of his/her time. That's what keeps me going through the annoying business part of things where money rules.
Ah, but I could go on and on. Maybe in my next column ;-)?
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