Fruit and vegetables turn me on. And nothing turns me on like a ripe, juicy, succulent melon. This month my column for the Erotica Readers and Writers Association (deservedly voted a top Web site for writers) is called "Naked at the Farmer’s Market: Ripe Stories, Juicy Fruit, and my Lesbian Love Affair with Melons."
July is the season to celebrate fresh fruit and I tell you how I pick my juiciest melons from the crowd, what I do when I get them home and what they’ve taught me about writing erotica.
So head on over to ERWA and try a free sample of summer’s sweet and sexy bounty!
Hi Donna,
Both KM and Jeremy gave me the heads-up on the column you wrote for ERWA about fruits and veggies after they read my blog article today regarding watermelon's big secret....
It appears water melon is filled with a natural cock enhancer called Citrullion and it's supposed to rival Viagra. I swear I didn't make that up. I read an article on the internet and I thought, hmmm... what a perfect blog topic to help celebrate the 4th. ;-)
Love your writing. Your article resonated with me; fantastic!
Happy 4th.
Thanks for dropping by--I think we're on to something with these melons. I think they should do tests on the others, too!
Happy 4th to you ;-).
Hi Donna,
I enjoyed your story so much, I've linked it to my blog for today.
I'm keeping with sex and fruit theme throughout the weekend, I suppose. ;-)
Thank you,
No, thank you! I'm honored.
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