Monday, October 11, 2010

Edith Wharton's Erotica?

I came upon an interesting Internet resource for erotica writers, The "Eros Issue" of Lapham's Quarterly (that's editor Lewis Lapham of Harper's fame) with a veritable smorgasboard of erotic excerpts from ancient Rome to Edith Wharton to a scene from The Graduate. These tasty morsels prove erotic writing (and perhaps sex itself, too?) has a long history. I've been enjoying this trip back to the past, but also appreciate even more the fine work being done in our own time.

Let me know what you think!


Emerald said...

Wow! Thanks for that link—I just read the Edith Wharton excerpt and feel similarly inspired. Your post, of course, caught my attention with its title, as Ms. Wharton's The Age of Innocence is probably my all-time favorite novel (followed closely by yours ;)). Very cool, and thanks again for sharing!

Donna said...

Well, I'm honored to be in such company, Emerald, lol. There is something very comforting to have this historical context for erotica, plus it felt like I was seeing a "deleted scene," what Wharton would have liked to publish in Age of Innocence, but couldn't.

I'm looking forward to poking around the other links listed!

Erobintica said...

What wonderful timing! My naughty librarian was nosing around in the stacks and thanks to you, I found something here on your blog! I linkyed to you.

Danielle said...

ha..thank you donna..i m off to finde out who edith wartoon is:-)