A happy All Hallow's Eve to you! It's been a fun fall weekend starting with a funky theatre-in-the-park experience called Persephone's Roots where we all took a trip to the underworld to learn that Persephone actually wanted to embrace her shadow side (and don't we all at times?)
Today we're carving fancy pumpkins and assembling the candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters. It's hard to believe November is right around the corner, but it must be true because the November edition of my ERWA column is already live. It's called "Sex with Pilgrims" and it's all about history, the inspiration of our forefathers and mothers, and the cycle of writing. Plus, there's a really yummy recipe for red cabbage with chestnuts braised in red wine.
The holiday season has begun, so indulge, enjoy, and embrace your shadow!
I'm torn, Donna - I always do the red cabbage w chestnuts my mother did at Christmas, it's just from the Joy of Cooking - but it's the One. I don't think I can change!
I have this issue with a lot of things - the taste must be MY taste, or I just compare and miss the other one... maybe it's being a Taurus... :)
I totally understand, Jo. I'll never give up my cranberry sauce recipe for Thanksgiving, never!
In my case, I was a red cabbage virgin, so I tried a number of recipes and settled on a less-sweet version. After a while though, if you have recipe that you love, certainly no reason to be unfaithful ;-).
oh donna that poster/flyer looks awesome..wish we had such things here..:-(
anyway..i love my red cabagge also less sweet...
It was a very cool play, Danielle. Do you have a recipe you like for red cabbage?
What a great column, Donna! Your opening description of November was so lush that it *almost* made me change my mind about it! It did for a few minutes, in fact, until I looked oustide and saw all the leaves piled up and felt the chill at having to clean them up.
Here's to your research being fun and getting you into the "passionate immersion" phase of the novel -- that is the funnest part!
Thanks, Susan. Sorry about those leaves though. We don't have too many of those in our yard, the few we do are mulch to me :-).
oh yes i do..may i should translate it??
Bitte schon!
i will:-)
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