It's always an especially delicious pleasure to appear at The Erotic Woman, not only because they publish all of my favorite writers such as Heidi Champa, Susan DiPlacido, Jeremy Edwards, Emerald, and Craig Sorensen, but they are a class act all the way. And the comments left so far have left me breathless with delight. So, if you're in the mood for the sweet ache of the tease, check out my story--and do leave a comment if you're so inspired.
(This story originally appeared in print only as part of the erotica-for-charity anthology, Ultimate Burlesque, which is full of many other sinuously sexy tales).
This was such a hot reflection of what true sexual build-up is all about, Donna. Whew. I need a cold shower, or some hot lovin'. Loved it.
p.s. I'm having a dickens of time posting a comment on EW site at this moment, but I will go back and try again. :-)
oh i have to go to check this out..
be back later..:-)
I'm having trouble clicking through to TEW at the moment as well (will try again later). But I've previously made the acquaintance of this tender, thoughtful, and terrifically arousing tale—brava, Donna!
Spamword: lizedic
Paging Burton and Taylor??
So sorry about the technical glitch, guys! I'm having trouble, too, so let's hope it's all fixed up soon :-(. Nothing like experiencing storius interruptus.
Donna, that was an excellent story. This line is a jealousy-inducing turn of phrase: "His touch sent searing jolts through her body, as if all the waiting had distilled a simple sensation into the most intoxicating cordial of pleasure."
But the whole story is just hot, smart, and sexy all at once.
Congratulations Donna. I was already familiar with that lovely story, as I have Ultimate Burlesque, and I felt especially delighted to see the comments after it. It is really lovely to see such (what I consider) appropriate acknowledgement!
Susan and Emerald, thanks so much! Ha, Susan, so funny to have my sex-and-food porn line quoted back at me. I really do have an obsession, don't I, lol? But hey, I am totally flattered you liked it :-).
And, yes, Emerald, I guess I need a boost, but those comments from total strangers--really, they were, especially that Craig guy--were a cordial of pleasure indeed.
read the story already a while ago but just noticed rightn now that i ddint came back here to coment..
anyway..love the story..love the voice its told in..its so..so donna..:-)..doesent that say it all?
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