"Thank you pop-up ads, for making my life worthwhile!"
So quoth my younger son, because, for the first time in our lives, a pop-up ad has made a positive difference. Herr Doktor was checking out Raider news when a pop-up ad announced that Eddie Izzard would be appearing in Oakland in January 2010 as part of his "Big Intimacy: Stripped" tour.
"See if they still have tickets!" I screamed and sure enough, they did, we bought them, and suddenly Christmas is no longer the big upcoming event, Eddie is our present! We're all big fans in this household and my kids can do whole routines in charming British accents. Besides, seeing Weird Al was so fun (at the California State Fair in 2007), how could we resist the chance to see an icon in the flesh? And frankly, I thought Eddie was retired from stand-up--maybe he needs the money, but his loss, our gain.
I also love the title of his tour. A friend told me that David Tennant appeared at a manga conference and assured a large room of adoring fans, "I love each and every one of you in a very special way" or some such impossible promise, so Eddie clearly sees the absurdity of "big intimacy."
Plus, he looks great in eyeliner! I'm definitely taking along the binoculars.
Thank you, pop-up ads, indeed!
You lucky lady. Wish I could be there with you!
Next verification word:
Hmm. Seems fitting.
Donna, have a great time! I love Izzard's stand up! "Dress to Kill" is one of the funniest acts ever. Enjoy!
Wow! Congratulations on scoring those tickets! Hmmm...I can see a story formulating in your mind about this event.
gee, how come I don't get pop up ads like that!
We will expect one of your trademark tell-all recounting of it for us. ;-)
Thank you, all! You will be with me in spirit, and yes, I will definitely write a tell-all.
In more recent pictures, Eddie looks more like Oliver Reed, or some sort of burly Shakespearean actor. But I'm sure the wit burns just as bright!
I'm so very jealous!!!
:) DeDe
This is very late but I couldn't resist putting in a comment as I'm also a huge Izzard fan. :P I honestly can't think of a better present then the joy of Eddie's comedy. I actually received all of his stand-up DVDs for Christmas last year.
As far as him retiring, I think he was a bit down after his "Sexie" tour didn't go so well and he got side tracked with TV and movie deals. But I hear that the Stripped tour is a return to form and what I've seen of recent performances were hilarious. You're truly in for a treat! :)
Also if you're ever in the LA area right now a Documentary on Eddie called Believe is playing there now. No word yet on a DVD release but fingers are crossed. ;)
Wow, Cyn, that Santa sure knows how to find the perfect gift! I'd heard about Believe, but I don't think it's playing around here. They've got to release a DVD though. Can't wait!
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