I absolutely love the accompanying photo by Kendo! There’s something wonderful about seeing another artist’s work that was inspired by a story of mine. And just to wet your appetite, here’s the PG-rated part of the text that goes with the illustration:
“International Love House.” Taka lets me choose the hotels and this one seems especially appropriate. Beyond the entryway curtain, the eerily empty “lobby” is a wall of computer screens advertising each of the forty rooms. I notice the deluxe units—the Louis XIV Room, the Rio Carnivale Room--are already taken. It’s a busy Sunday for sex in Tokyo.
“How about this one?” I point to a photo of a mocked-up underground carriage, the room number still illuminated to indicate a vacancy.
Taka laughs. He finds my taste in campy themes amusing. “There’s no bed, I think.”
“Who needs a bed?”
Taka touches the “rest” button on the corner of the screen. The image shifts to a welcome message directing us to follow the blinking red lights to our room. We hurry down the corridor together.
I push open the door, automatically unlocked for us by computer. Suddenly we actually are in a brightly lit underground carriage. Or a tiny slice of one, with mirrored windows and a static shot of an elevated railway track in the window behind the padded plastic bench. Clever touches add authenticity: an overhead rack for briefcases, posters warning us to ride safely, an emergency alarm. Taka fiddles with the console by the door. The click-clack of a moving train fills the room. A conductor calls out the next station. Ginza. We’re now approaching Ginza.
I giggle.
A strange smile plays over Taka’s lips. So, you want it so much, we have to do it on the train? In Japanese his voice is deeper, assured.
It makes me sopping wet in an instant.
He guides me over to the seat on the “train” and positions my hands in the two rings hanging from the bar overhead. The secret muscles in my belly clench like a fist.
With no further preliminaries, he sits down before me and lifts my skirt. His warm hands peel down my tights and knickers.
The spicy, fresh-bread scent of female arousal fills the room...."
And yes, things get even steamier as the afternoon wears on. So, join me in a glass of sake to celebrate love hotels and lazy Sunday afternoons the world over!
As for your sensational subway sex ... where can I get a maximum-number-of-rides fare card?
Congratulations!! Your story sounds lovely indeed (...as do the eye-candy pictures of guys and lovely ladies in corsets corsets -- corsets are one of my favorite articles of clothing ever). Thanks for the vicarious enjoyment of this month's issue! ;)
I love the excerpt and the illustration. Wow!
Congrats to you, and to Scarlet magazine for their outstanding taste!
Yah Donna! Congratulations.
God, is that photo gorgeous or what?
Problem is neither of them has their own apt, so they have to try out all kinds of love hotel rooms from whimsical to kinky
Damn, poor them. :-)
Thank you so much, everyone! Jeremy, you know those love hotels do have "frequent-visitor" cards, and I'm sure you can use yours in the subway room every time ;-)
And I know that poor couple really is suffering quite nicely in the "Soap Play Room" with the bondage cross and plenty of foamy lube....
I love the "rest" button!
Great ride!!
I don't drink sake but for you I'll make a happy exception.
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