The first contained my copies of The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 7 and I have to say, this one is the best yet. I’ve just started reading it, but I’m mightily impressed. Tara Alton’s opening story, “The Dire Consequences of My Libido,” is brilliant and hilarious. Susan DiPlacido’s “Coyote Blues” is one of the HOTTEST and smartest stories I’ve read in a loooong time and more treats await me from Ashley Lister, Shanna Germain, Lisabet Sarai, Sage Vivant…well, I’m not going to copy down the whole table of contents. Suffice to say, it’s sure to please erotica fans and convert the doubtful to the wonders of libidinous literature.
Then on Friday I got my copies of the latest books in Alison Tyler’s naughty Erotic Alphabet series I is for Indecent and K is for Kinky. As always, the covers are fabulous and I get to sit next to Saskia Walker in the “Kinky” line-upwhich always makes me happy!
It’s a lovely way to start off the month of Love. Now back to the stony toil!
thanks for the kind words, Donna. And your story is wonderful and hot!
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