Now, just as I prefer red wine, before yesterday I would have told you I’m no longer a milk chocolate fan, in spite of a childhood love affair with Russell Stover pecan turtles. With the availability of all sorts of gourmet dark chocolates, the taste of most milk chocolate seems adulterated, not to mention too sweet, to my palate. But one bite of this gets you plenty of fresh, crunchy hazelnuts and the creamiest chocolate base with a wonderful finish. No, it’s not as good for you as dark chocolate, but everyone deserves a naughty splurge now and then. The Divine dark chocolate is pretty good, too, with lots of coconut flavor. One of our dinner guests last week, who knows a lot about German-made chocolate, said it tends to fall into two main types--those with hints of coffee or those with hints of coconut. We were tasting six different dark chocolates and just happened to get one of each from the German makers. I'm a tropical girl, so Divine wins my vote there, too.
You can get your naughty, but Divine, treat at King Arthur Flour online or at stores that sell fancy chocolate bars.
I used to love a Milk Chocolate called Alpen Sahne when I was in Germany. This was many years ago, but it seems to me one of the things I liked was that it was not so sweet. But then again, I don't know if I'd like it so much now; it's been a long time since I was in Deutchland.
Since I too am a fan of dark chocolate over milk chocolate, I may just have to try Divine!
Oh, this blog just about killed me! Being a good Catholic girl I've given chocolate up for lent... a real sacrifice. Usually I prefer dark chocolate, but this one sounds heavenly.
Hey Craig! Up until a few years ago Europe was the only place to get good chocolate. Maybe your tastes have changed, but maybe it is still good. I haven't been to Germany since 1994, but I remember the marzipan VERY fondly. The stuff you get here is so pedestrian by comparison, even imports. Fresh, well-made marzipan--schmeck's gut (is that right?)
And Kara, Holy Saturday isn't all that far away ;-)
Ja, geschmack sehr gut! (Ich denke.)
When I was a kid I was a sucker for Ghirardelli flicks, something like a Hershey's kiss but the came in a little foil tube with several "flicks" in each tube. I recall liking them a lot more than other milk chocolates.
I know once I'd tasted the German ones, they kind of spoiled me altogether, but the flicks are a fond memory.
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