It's a busy morning in the kitchen today as I whip up some of my famous Mexican chocolate brownies for an annual all-day-and-night "Games Party" friends give to celebrate the coming of autumn. But I'm also virtually baking up one of my signature treats for a very special cyber-friend, Danielle De Santiago, who is celebrating his birthday today (Germany time).
My almond cake is the perfect way to fete Danielle, because they have so much in common. Eating this cake makes you feel sensual and sophisticated, yet there's an elegant, straight-shooting simplicity to the pleasure, too. Like Danielle, it's easy to love and you'll always look forward to the next time you can be together. The erotica world is very fortunate to be blessed with Danielle's generous spirit and inspiring appreciation of beauty and everything delicious. (My dream some day is to have a taste test of his homemade chutneys!)
So, have a very Happy Birthday, Danielle! And best wishes for a creative and fun year (and decade) ahead. Women definitely get better with age, but I hear it's true for men, too!
(If you want the recipe for Danielle's birthday cake, scroll to the bottom of this "Cooking up a Storey" column).
ah donna..thats both beautiful and touching...you know you always have the rights words, gestures and dishes too..
thank you for beeing a friend:-)
Women definitely get better with age, but I hear it's true for men, too!
Damn skippy!
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