After you read Marcy Sheiner's essay at F-Stop today, I guarantee that your answer to that question is going to change forever! Provocative, sexy, funny, yet very serious indeed, Marcy's essay is the perfect mind-awakening complement to your morning coffee. Cosmic visions and sexual response await, so even if you've just had your teeth cleaned, the dentist is waiting! It's a special honor to host Marcy today because she's inspired my writing since the beginning when I devoured her anthologies for examples of smart, sexy stories that showed me what erotica could be.
Btw, this "Van Gogh" is a favorite image from Marcy's blog, taken by photographer extraordinaire Phyllis Christopher, so I used this announcement as an excuse to post it here for your viewing pleasure!
Hey Donna,
Marcy's essay is awesome. :-)
Sounds good... and will read shortly... however, my response to the question is that while I find dentistry scary rather than sexy, for every man with a drawer full of antique dentistry tools, there must be a woman just waiting to say 'aaaah'.
I agree, Alana. A very rich essay. And Jo, I agree with you, too. The internet makes it so much easier to find your perfect mate in those areas, too. There must be an antique dentistry tools lover's site somewhere!
Just a shout out: The photo of me is by Phyllis Christopher, photographer extraordinaire. Please credit.
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