You can order it from Amazon US through a third-party seller, but the current one is steep--stay tuned, though, I'm trying to get Amazon to carry it in a reliable fashion and you'll be the first to know. You can order from Blackwell’s Online for $14 for the book and $7 shipping. It's available on Amazon UK for $11 plus $14 shipping, so that's not the best deal for now. Hopefully word of mouth will help with the availability. So please (she said with a winning smile) order your copy, write reviews on Amazon and Blackwell and your blog, grab the sleeve of the guy next to you in the coffee shop and tell him all about it. You’ll have my eternal gratitude—and if you drop me a line, I’ll even send you a very classy Amorous Woman refrigerator magnet, a facsimile of the novel's cover. I'm sure you'll agree no home should be without one.
The best news of all is that I got my first official review on a Web site called Sexy Reads, a recently-launched forum for erotica writers and readers to give honest reviews of books in the genre. I discovered it on MySpace, and this alone makes that place worth the time I’ve spent networking there. I encourage everyone who takes erotica writing and reading seriously to stop by Sexy Reads, add some reviews, chat about the writing life and give our genre the respect it deserves! Oh, and for writers, Victoria Blisse, the creator of the site, is inviting you to submit your book for review as part of the grand opening celebration.
Here’s a sampling of what she said about mine: “This is one of those books where you find yourself thinking ‘Oh go on, just one more chapter.’ And you end up being up half the night reading because you just can’t pull yourself away from the story.” Is there sweeter music to a writer’s ears?
No, dear reader, there is not.
So, pop on over to Sexy Reads to read the full review here, add your own comments, if you like, then check out the other threads and help support the cause.
1 comment:
Well done!
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