As a 13-year veteran of the writing life, I've long since accepted the fact that half the fun in life is getting there and most of the other half of the fun involves writing about the trip afterward. So, I'm back from New York and my boudoir photo shoot with the very talented Laura Boyd, and now it's time to tell you all about it! Today I'd like to begin by asking for your help.
Like most writers, I have a Web site and a profile picture. I've long felt a bit, well, guilty, in using a photo from my first boudoir session from seventeen years ago. Okay, not that guilty because I never really looked like that photo even when I was thirty-one and besides I'm an erotica writer and my readers surely shouldn't object to a little blurring of reality. However, since my motto is "smart is sexy" and I firmly believe I'm smarter and much sexier now than I was back then, I knew I'd feel much better if I had a current sexy picture to post far and wide. That is one of the many reasons I jumped at the chance to have Laura take my picture.
Of course, as the shoot drew closer, I suffered from the same doubts I did the first time around. Would the camera's eye find any beauty in me, even with Laura's magic and expertise on my side? Is society right that women are over-the-hill and invisible after thirty or thirty-five or forty or whatever the current cut-off is for female desirability? Which might mean, that like a vampire, when Laura snapped my picture, there'd be nothing there?

I have to say, in spite of my pre-shoot jitters, I am so, so pleased with the results. So pleased, in fact, I'm going to become an honest woman and use one of her portraits as my public face from now on. Now comes that favor I wanted to ask of you. Will you help me choose which of these two rather intimate "thanks for the great sex, honey" pics posted here that I should use? Choice A in the black slip and bling or Choice B in my birthday suit? Polls close December 6, so leave a comment or send me an email with your vote!